Evading Kidnap

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Momo POV:

Toga was running at me, giggling, as Jirou was struggling to her feet.

I didn't know why, but she was holding a syringe in her offhand, did she want MY blood?

She swung with Jirou's sword, she was clearly not used to a weapons as heavy as my sword, so she's slow. I blocked her overhead swing and try and parry but she went for my chest with the syringe in a slashing arc more than a piercing one.


It barely scratched me but it drew a drop of blood. But she didn't get it with the syringe.

She swung again, and again and again. She was wearing me out, made me commit to blocking her and making me waste my energy.

She brought the syringe down after knocking me offguard...but an explosion blew through the ceiling above us. I jumped backwards as Dabi and Bakugo came falling through the ceiling, scattering rubble as they went.

Dabi landed and set a blast of fire back at Bakugo, still airborne. But Kirishima dropped down and activated his quirk to take the brunt of the flames.

"Dabiii..." Toga wined. "Can you stop playing with the boys and help me get the target! She's being mean."

Toga leapt at Kirishima, latching onto his shoulders and pulling him around. Bakugo instantly went to get her off of Kirishima, grabbing the syringe out of her hand.

Dabi's arm ignited in fire as he started to advance toward me but a layer of ice exploded into his path.

He sent an inferno breaking through the ice, the constant stream of fire destroying the frost in it's way, and as it was about to engulf me, it stopped suddenly. Dabi was stood there confusingly looking at his arm for a moment, then sighed.

"Time for round two?" Dabi said, turning to look at where Tsu and Uraraka were blocking the hole in the wall. But stepping in front of them was a man dressed in dark cloth, his black hair raised, as his eyes glowing red to block Dabi's flames. A long scarf of capture cloth pillowing around his shoulders.

"Toga, I think we've had our fun. The pros are here now." Shigiraki said, still standing off against Midoriya, still unable to get his hands on him.

As he spoke the clouds crashed above, and a bolt of lightning came streaking out of the sky, crashing into the ground next to me, travelling through the hole Bakugo and Dabi had opened in the ceiling.

The bolt hit and lightning scattered leaving behind the same woman in the black cloak, but now a mask adorned her face, showing a black dot surrounded by purple light swirling with iridescent flames.

They stood up lifting one hand, and started to draw something on their hand with a finger. The path of the finger leaving a glowing line of energy behind.

The drawing appeared to depict chains made from stone erupting outward. And as she finished drawing, the rune flashed. And from the woman's hand, a flurry of chains erupted toward Dabi.

He stood defenceless for a moment, but barely regained his quirk in time as Aizawa blinked. His flames pushed the chains aside, as the woman drew a lightning bolt on her hand, sending that spiralling at Dabi.

Dabi threw himself out of the way, the lighting hitting some fallen rubble, then making a run for the portal. Grabbing Toga and yanking her along as he sprinted for the warp gate.

Shigiraki also made a dash for it, as Aizawa's scarf wrapped around him, but Shigiraki grabbed it and turned it to dust in moments, continuing his fleeing.

Shigiraki jumped through the portal, followed by Dabi and Toga as Aizawa's scarf grabbed her foot. He started to pull her back but the portal closed and something broke the scarf on their side of the portal. As it fully sealed.

Immediately the sound of sirens rose, and trucks started to stop outside, and the sound of fires being put out started to rise.

Aizawa turned to the cloaked woman. "Can you get the kids back to UA? Wait-where's Kaminari?"

With a quick search, we found him with headphones on playing music very loudly still packing boxes in the back room. He seemed confused at the whole idea of their being a villain attack, seemed completely unaware.

The woman in the cloak brought all of us out the front of the the building.

"Alright everyone, gather up." She brought everyone together, taking a piece of chalk out of her pocket. Drawing a chalk circle around where everyone was stood. "Shota can handle the press and everything so you kids don't have to sit around miserably. Oh, by the way, if anyone steps out of this circle during the transition, you will be annihilated. Don't say I didn't warn you."

She stood in the middle of the circle. She drew a much more complex rune on her hand. Split in half by a dividing line. One half showed a storm over head with a lightning bolt arcing down toward a white circle with arrows pointing inwards. On the second half, a storm below with a lightning bolt firing upwards toward the letters "UA".

The clouds rumbled one final time, as the rune started to glow with starlight, and a bolt of lightning cascaded downward from the clouds.

Each person in the circle was gone, and we each reappeared with another crash of lightning. Back at UA.

What a night.

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