The Early Squad

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Jirou was up early, in the common space, taking a moment in the silence to sit in Height's Alliance. Just enjoying the space, not even her class were there.

She loved them, but they could be disruptive and loud and overwhelming.

It was nice to sit here, with no headache, and enjoy life.

Jirou POV:

It's refreshing to be here alone.

"JIROUUUUU." Denki screamed. Screaming down the hallway.

Aaaand the headache's back.

"What do you want Pikachu?" I said, rubbing my temples.

"How was last night with Momo~~"

Oh I swear to god I'm going to kill him.

"We just talked, nothing like what your thinking." I said, and I am certain that he didn't believe me.

"Alright alright don't give me that stare I was just curious." He sat down next to me. But he got serious for a moment. "Was everything okay?"

"Well she now she knows I like her and that I'm gay." Denki's eyes went wide.

"Jesus you can't keep a secret can you."


"Keep your voice down extras." Bakugo said as he wandered round the corner. "Someone might 'find out'."

He sat down and leaned back, reading from his phone.

"I don't know why you haven't gone public with your sexuality, you can only make so many vague jokes on Twitter before someone realises." Bakugo said.

"I would but we all know why. Fucking grape bitch." I sighed.


"Wow, that's actually kind of you, thank you. Kiri's rubbing off on you!"


"Hey Jirou~~~" Mineta purred, coming round the corner with that pervy glint in his eye.

"OH YOU LITTLE SHIT." Bakugo went flying towards him at full speed.

"AAAAAAA" Mineta was terrified, he started sprinting away as fast as possible being chased by an angered Bakugo.

"What's angered him?" Todoroki said as he came round the corner with Midoriya in tow.

"M*neta's presence."

"Oh, makes sense. Wait, why are you two up so early? Normally someone has to drag you two out of bed."

"I wanted some peace and quiet to collect my thoughts. Then this one showed up." I said, gesturing a thumb towards Denki.

"I haven't slept, I was talking to Shinso all night." Denki confessed, rubbing his eyes a little.

"Wait, doesn't he hate you?" I asked.

"Oh, since when? I thought you and Hitoshi got on well?" Midoriya said, he was leaning over the back of the sofa.

"I told him to stop texting me pictures of kittens at midnight but he kept going so I sent him a picture of a dog and he tried to put a blood curse on me." Denki explained.

"Fascinating." Todoroki had a completely blank expression as he spoke, looking into empty space.

"But I'm winning him over again. He can't resist my charm." Denki looked confident.

"Maybe a bunch of us could get together later in the dorms and play games or something. You could invite Hitoshi." I suggested.

Everyone actually seemed onboard with it, it even broke Todoroki out of his trance and gave a thoughtful nod.

It would be a good opportunity to connect with Shinso for when he joins our class, after I inevitably murder Mineta.

I would able to sit and hang out with Momo. Just enjoy a fun night with her, she's always enjoyed these little evenings we do every once in a while.

"All we'd need is approval from Mr Aizawa." Midoriya was clapping happily.

"You seem giddy Midoriya." I noted. Midoriya stopped clapping and just smiled broadly, he snuck a glance at Todoroki.

"Shoto?" Midoriya said.

He thought for a second. "Sure, sounds like a good bonding opportunity." He murmured.

"Don't worry about approval from Mr Aizawa." A unknown voice said.

We turned and Hitoshi Shinso was sat on the floor cross-legged.

"Where did you come from, even I didn't hear you coming?" I was genuinely shocked, normally footsteps are fairly easy to hear. Maybe it's this damn headache.

"The loud, explosion obsessed one chased one of your classmates past my room." There were heavy bags under his eyes and one of his hands was trembling a little. "I've been here ever since, I just sat down because I got bored waiting for you to notice I was here."

He stood up and sat on the arm of the sofa. Kaminari instantly scooted along the sofa and pointed finger guns at Shinso, he looked a little scared of being cursed, but confident nonetheless.

"By the way my reaction to Kaminari was perfectly justified, that dog was scaring the cats." Shinso didn't look like he was even joking.

Momo's always been the animal person. I've never actually had a pet. Maybe one-day.

Regardless, I need to mentally prepare for this evening.

But no matter what, I just want to enjoy my evening, and I pray that nothing goes wrong.

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