Scars and Scarfs

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Jirou spent a couple hours in deep sleep, dreaming of moments of bliss and love. So much so that she didn't notice the rising temperature around her.

But nobody did, it was only a brief rise in temperature by a single degree.

As a single man wandered through the door into Height's Alliance without interruption by anyone inside. As gas mask held over his burnt skin.

He simply wandered up the stairs and easily opened the door into Jirou's room, finding them asleep Jirou asleep, but Momo passed out. He wandered over and grabbed Momo's body, picking her up and starting to leave.

The disturbance was enough that Jirou was stirred a little. Opening her eyes to see the silhouette of a tall man carrying her girlfriend away. She tried to stand but found herself still sore.

She stumbled to her feet. "Wh-what are you-you doing." Jirou stammered as she swayed on her feet. The man ignored her and kept waking.

"I told you to stop..." Jirou murmured putting a hand on the wall to keep standing. "Get off my girlfriend."

"Please. Stop." Dabi warned, his steps a little hesitant.

"STOP." Loki's voice echoed through the hall. She was stood with a gas mask over her face as well. Having slid into view, armed and ready... "This is clever, wouldn't have expected anything like this."

"Glad to have someone who admires our craft." Dabi smiled. He took a step backward away from Loki.

"Carbon monoxide leak, no smell, no taste, a brilliant idea but this building has detectors. You would have to have someone on the inside in order to turn them off." Loki explained.

"You almost got all of it to be fair, but you missed one key thing." Dabi confessed. "Carbon monoxide is combustible. Take one more step to stop me, and I blow this entire building. And I wouldn't recommend stalling for too long, your students are suffocating."

Loki snarled, lowering her hand from sketching out a lightning bolt across her hand. "Get him."

Aizawa's scarf came flying out of the shadows and coiled around Momo's body, pulling it upward out of Dabi's grasp.

Dabi stood looking at Aizawa with a gas mask and his goggles on, his hair raised with the red glow from his eyes shining in the dark.

"Please, don't blink. As long as you don't blink your friend here can't save your students from suffocating." Dabi taunted.

The standoff held for a second as Jirou stumbled over to them beginning to hold her throat, struggling to reach for air.

Loki's eyes jumped between the two of them. As a second Dabi placed a hand on Jirou's shoulder.

"Twice is here then." Aizawa snarled.

"Oh, you think we wouldn't all insure that we could secure the extraction of the target." Dabi laughed as Dabi 2 grabbed Jirou. "Now hand her over."

"I refuse to give her to you." Aizawa said, his eyes twitching as he barely kept them open.

"I think we'll be making our escape now." Dabi 2 said, looking at Aizawa's hair seconds away from falling.

And Aizawa blinked.

Dabi's hand raised to gesture. "Now we have the position of power," Dabi dashed at Aizawa and grabbed Momo's body.

Dabi 2 dashed toward the door, holding Jirou's body as she fell limp.

Aizawa started to grab at Momo but Dabi raised a hand to his face and tutted.

"You wouldn't want all of your students to die? Would you Eraser?" Dabi snarled.

Loki stood back and closed her eyes, around her the colour started to drain from the air, as red light ignited around her arm, taking the form of a long scar as light snapped from red to azure blue. Around the building, there was a loud "POP"

Loki looked up and smiled. "The gas is gone." She muttered and threw herself at Dabi 2. He spun his hand round and threw a blast of flames at Loki, that she touched and turned it to mist with a quick rune.

Dabi also ran for the door with Momo's body but Aizawa tackled him to the floor. Momo's body falling to one side.

"DAMN IT, GET US OUT OF HERE" Dabi screamed. As portal of black and purple smoke tore open at the doors to UA. "TAKE THE EARPHONE GIRL"

Dabi 2 threw Jirou's body toward the portal. And she vanished through it.

"NO." Loki yelled, running for the portal as it quickly shut. Dabi simply smiled and laughed. "She's out of your reach now hero."

Aizawa stood up and punched Dabi in the face, as he went limp from the blow with a crack as Aizawa's fist knocked his head to one side.

Both Loki and Aizawa looked over at Dabi 2 as he held up his hands and shrugged. Loki walked over roughly drawing a sketch on her hand, she grabbed Dabi 2 as he dissolved into sludge.

Aizawa turned Dabi over, and tied him up fully. As Loki sat down in the corner and held her face in one hand, and her new scar in the other.

Loki sat for a moment shaking with rage, and with Aizawa doing whatever he could to keep moving.

"W-what..." Momo mumbled as she stood up.

"I'm so sorry." Loki muttered. "This is all my fault."

"What are you talking about?" Momo asked, staggering to her feet and looking around. "wait..


Oh Honey // momojirouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang