Murder Time

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Another long day, another well deserved rest.

Jirou sat back in bed, her demons were still there, shouting and screaming. Sending her memories of darker times, but the one thing they couldn't darken and break to ash was the sweetness of Momo's smile and the sunlight that almost always hit at the right angle.

Similarly, Momo was sat up in bed, looking through pictures of her and Jirou, on days out with the girls, pictures sneakily taken in class. Every moment that had been immortalised of the two of them. Each of them holding it's own charm, and each of them holding it's own memory.

Jirou sat back, her head nestling into her pillows, and taking a moment to be calm, and breathe. To think of the future, and whatever it may hold.

Momo sat partially awake still, but her eyes slowly drifted closed, the last thing in them being the smiling face of Kyouka Jirou.

While the dorms were asleep, even Aizawa having drifted off for a moment. A single door unlocked. A small figure pushing with through it. The label on the door reading Yaoyorozu, Momo. But Yaoyorozu didn't open the door.

Stepping into the room, balls lining the back of his head. Mineta crept in, slowly moving across the furniture filled room.

He crept over to the bed of Yaoyorozu Momo, he had to find out what was going on with Jirou. They'd been acting weird, as an upcoming hero, he should, know if they were doing anything...illegal.

As just a side benefit it meant that he got to go through Yaoyorozu's room, but surely that's just a side thing, not the main reason for the investigation.

He looked over at Yaoyorozu's phone, her background was an image of her and Jirou. Eh, just gals being pals.

Looking at her recent notifications, clearly activity from Jirou, she's got notifications on for her then, not too suspicious.

"jirou..." Momo murmured in her sleep, not in a particularly sensual way, but passionate enough to raise an eyebrow.

Mineta could see something in Momo's hand under the covers of her blankets. He slowly crept up onto her bed, reaching under the covers for the object. Grabbing hold of a book.

As Mineta grabbed it he caught a fistful of her blankets as well, pulling the book away, he pulled all the covers off of Momo.

Momo's eyes shot open. To see Mineta, holding up her bedsheets, almost completely covered in darkness.

Jirou's POV:

It was about midnight when the scream sounded. As painful as it was to hear a noise that loud, I would recognise that voice anywhere.

I grabbed a guitar from my room as I sprinted out, I didn't check which one I just grabbed the closest weapon.

I hurtled out of my room, wielding the guitar like a battleaxe. Down the hall other students doors opened, with them all prepared to fight. As far as we knew it was a villain attacking.

I think I threw myself up those stairs 3 at a time.

Mr. Aizawa appeared as I rounded the corner to Momo's room, with his capture scarf and goggles on.

"Jirou? What's going on." He demanded as I raced past him. Seeing Momo's open door. I didn't even answer I just kept running. Behind me I could hear him stop Kirishima and him begin to explain. As Todoroki raced past him to back me up.

I looked in through the open door to see Mineta making a run for the door, Yaoyorozu behind him wielding a sword with death written across her expression.

I reared back my arms and swung once with the guitar and bashed it round Mineta's face.

He crumpled so fast that for a moment I thought he was deliberately throwing himself to the floor.

So I had to hit him a few more times, y'know...

for safety.

After a moment I stopped, holding up my guitar, looking at which one I had grabbed. It was the one from my first pride, my name engraved along it. An old friend.

It's sacrifice was worth it...I regret nothing.

"Alright, alright that's enough." A new voice said. It had to sound of a woman in her late thirties, battle-hardened, but approving. I spun to see who it was only to see the same figure in the same heavy cloak, and the same obsidian black hair falling from the hood.

"Oh...uh..sorry, Ma'am." I said, awkwardly looking down at Mineta unconscious on the floor.

"No not him dear, the guitar, I don't give a shit about the grape fucker." The woman said, taking the guitar out of my hands, and handing it to Todoroki.

She looked back over her shoulder. "It's fine Shota, I can handle everything from here." She called out to Aizawa who gave a nod and turned back to the rest of Class 1-A who had started to all gather now.

Midoriya pushed past rolling up his sleeves. "What's the problem? How many bones do I have to break?"

"Honey, no." Todoroki said, walking him back over to Aizawa, giving me a nod.

"Are you alright dear?" The woman in the cloak asked Momo as she stepped over Mineta's body, kicking him in the back of the head by "accident".

"I'm alright, he didn't lay a hand on me." She said. I let out a sigh of relief

"That's good I'm sure there'll be a full investigation into what he was doing here." The woman in the cloak said. "But that's not my job."

She drew something with one finger on her hand, a complex symbol that in it's self didn't seem to mean anything. But as it finished, a cup on hot chocolate appeared in her hand, and she handed it to Momo.

"Do you need anything else? I'm not really good with the whole aftermath of these situations." The cloaked woman said.

"No. No, I should be okay." Momo said. "As long as he is kept far away from me I'm fine, it's only really him that would do something like this."

"Are you okay Yaoyorozu?" Aizawa asked as he wandered over.

"Yes, thank you, I'm fine.....well...there is, one, thing I could use." Momo turned to look at me. "I'd like someone else to be with me tonight to make sure everything is safe. Just to y' reasons."

It would be easy for me to interpret this as her making a move. But she looked genuinely scared, she's hiding it well, but she's a little shaken.

"Of course." Aizawa said. I looked at him, and I could swear I saw him smile a little.

Me and Momo wandered into her room, pushing Mineta's unconscious but alive body out into the hallway.

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