The Waking Hours

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Jirou awoke, in the morning but still dark from the overcast clouds.

Her head comfortable resting on Momo's neck, still hearing that distant, peaceful, rhythm of her heart thumping.

She felt the brush of Momo's hair tickling her cheek and neck.

However Jirou looked up to see only one person awake. Surprisingly, even Shinso was asleep.

Todoroki was sat across the way, staring at her with raised eyebrows and a small smile. "Had a good night?" He whispered, just loud enough for her to hear, but just quiet enough that nobody else appeared to move.

"I am going to kill you." Jirou threatened.

"Wouldn't it be hard to do that without waking up Momo?" Todoroki said smiling broadly now. Jirou turned her head to look and saw Momo, in her sleep she was grinning a little and her breaths were relaxed.

"Damn you..."

"Checkmate." Todoroki said. "Well what are you going to do, just let everyone else wake up and see you? You realise you'll have to move eventually?"

"I'm sorry but this is a very, very difficult call to make. I honestly don't want to ever move not just because this is comfortable and gay. But because I just feel safe, i feel safe, I feel...loved."

"That's gay." Todoroki said. "Anyway I'm going to cuddle with my boyfriend."

Todoroki hugged Midoriya a little tighter, and without warning, going from a sat up position and leaning down to kiss Midoriya in the forehead and closed his eyes, just falling asleep folded over.

Jirou sat for a moment, still examining Momo's face, looking for the key to her beauty. Jirou leaned in closer, touching her lips to Momo's cheek, and letting them drift off as she slipped out from Momo's shirt, seeing how much she'd stretched it out.

She grabbed a loose blanket off the floor and threw it over Momo. Making sure she was still kept warm, and leaning on her before nearly falling asleep again.

The sound of rain faded outside as the clouds finally finished their final volley.

A universal groan sounded from Class 1-A as someone tore back a curtain, letting the sun unleash it's morning wrath on them.

"Alright kids wake up." Aizawa said, bags under his eyes deeper than usual and with a cat lying on his head, paws framing his face.

"Alright dad..." Shinso muttered standing up.

Todoroki shot up.

"i knew it..." Todoroki whispered.

Shinso walked over to Aizawa and retrieved Luna from his head. Stroking her as she climbed up his arm and simply fell asleep with her front half hanging over his shoulder.

Groggily class 1-A all sat up, staggering to their feet and complaining still. Although they weren't as tired as Aizawa looked, they were all struggling to stand without their backs bring hunched or eyes closed.

"Everyone return to your rooms and get changed, class is in 5 minutes." Aizawa announced.

"WHAT" The entire class yelled in unison. Running for their rooms to grab their uniform.

On the way out of The Common Room, Jirou stopped Momo.

"Hey, Momo, can we talk a moment. I'll be quick."

"Yeah sure, what is it Jioru?"

"Umm-uhhh, last night was comfy and warm, and I just wanted to say..." Jirou was blushing profusely, but to her surprise she wasn't the only one. Momo was bright red, and nervously tapping her foot. "It was so nice of you to do that, I would have understood if you'd refused."

"I would never have said no to you. You're the best, and..." Momo smiled and looked away running her fingers through her hair. "you're very comfy and warm."

"Not as comfy as you Momo~~" Jirou purred. Momo turned in surprise, eyes wide and with pupils nearly as wide as the eyeball.

Jirou snapped her hands into finger-guns, gave a wink, and walked away back to her dorm. But broke into a full sprint once she rounded the corner.

Jirou POV:


Momo POV:


Jirou crashed into her room quickly throwing on her uniform and just as she was about to get out of her room Kaminari appeared at the door.

"You've really got to say something soon, I mean come on's so obvious." Denki said sighing and shaking his head.

"Yeah I gathered that when the entire class gave me the same look."

"Then why don't you just tell her?"

Something about his tone, the situation, everyone else knowing, everything boiled and burned. Jirou couldn't hold it and just yelled.

"BECAUSE I'M SCARED OKAY, I DONT WANT TO LOSE HER, WHAT IF SHE PANICS, AND, AND...." Jirou paused and looked at the ground.

A drop fell from her eye and gently splashed as it hit the ground.

"What if she doesn't want to be around me anymore."

"Hey bud, you know that's not true, it would hurt her as much as it would hurt you, you know that." Denki put an arm round her and pulled her in for a hug. "Listen you are amazing, your quirk is fantastic, and she looks at you with so much reverence that I'm fairly sure you could murder someone and she would still like you."

"Does that mean I can kill Mineta?" Jirou asked. Smiling, as a few more tears trickled out.

"Of course. But where has this come from, you were on such a high of positive emotion, you just slept up against her. What's wrong Jirou?"

"It's....a long story, we don't have time before class." Jirou said.

"Well fuck that, class isn't more important than this. I don't give a fuck what Aizawa's teaching, you're my friend and you come before everything." Kaminari stormed into the room and sat down.

"Well, strap in, it really is a long story."

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