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Jirou POV:

I don't think, that I ever, ever, could have guessed.

That I would have been as happy as I was.

As I looked down at Momo's hand held in mine, her skin soft as silk. The two of us wandering back to UA. From her hand I can feel her love and support, and I wouldn't trade this for any piece of music, or performance of theatre.

I look at her face as she's looking around at the world around her, her eyes are just alight in joy and pure happiness. Her eyes are glittering like a font of starlight filled with the most beautiful gemstones. Constellations of pure satisfaction.

"Sweetie, cmon!" Momo said as I slowed down to just admire her smile.

"He-Hey! It's because you've got long legs! Slow down!" I laughed, as I jog a little bit to keep up with as she's almost skipping along as happy as she can be.

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey!" Momo said as she stopped short, of the corner of UA, knowing that we'd have to let go of each other once we rounded the corner onto campus. We were out of sight of the windows.

"I just want to say something before we go in. Something I wish I could say more, but while this is just our thing right now, we can only say it while we're together." I said, letting go of Momo's hand.

"What...?" Momo asked, an eyebrow raised.

I grabbed her face with both my hands and pulled her down to my level, and deeply kissed her.

She just stands there completely smitten as I hold her in the kiss.

I was starting to get breathless so I broke the connection of our lips so we could breathe, but keeping us together. "I love you, so, so much."

Momo stood for a moment with bright scarlet cheeks and her completely overwhelmed face. Too overrun by the sheer amount of warmth and love.

and gayness.

Then her face spread into a smile, she held my hand for just a second. "I love you too. So much!" She laughed. Then lead the way back onto UA campus.

We slowly open through the door and are instantly greeted by Midoriya.

The minute he saw us his face lit up as he spun around. "HEY! THEY'RE BACK!!!" He shouted back into heights alliance where everyone was in the common space chatting, including Shinso, sat with Mirio, Tamaki and Eri.

Everyone spun round and saw us sheepishly entering and instantly there was a chorus of greetings, Mirio waving with Eri happily bouncing up, and Tamaki giving a little smile and nod to us.

"YOU'RE BACK." Denki yelled, the remnants of a couple blast marks on him. "PLEASE, PLEASE JIROU I BEG YOU, I SURRENDER." He dashed up to me and fell to his knees.

I looked down at him. "Take it back and I call this war off." I demanded.

"I TAKE IT BACK." Denki said, admitting defeat.

"Cmon Pikachu, get up." I helped Denki up to his feet. "Thank you for caring about me enough to bother to text." I whispered to him.

"Woah, what's got you so happy?" Mina asked, talking to Momo as she was beaming at me, not even realising how much she was smiling.

"I've had a good day!" Momo chirped, shrugging joyfully.

"Well it's good to see you both, we were worried for a while!" Kirishima said. "It's great to know that you're alright."

"Thanks Kiri!" I said back.

"What's with all the gathering here?" I asked, looking at everyone generally stood around Eri.

"Oh! Guys, come over here!" Mirio said and gestured to us. "We're teaching Eri everyone's names."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Momo said, sitting down next to Eri. The two of them sharing equally delighted expressions.

"Can you remember her name Eri?" Mirio asked.

Eri sat for a moment and sat with a contemplating expression, and very directly stared right at Momo.

A few moments passed until Eri popped up like a coiled spring. "OH, I KNOW IT!" She put her hands on Momo's cheeks and looked directly into her face.

Everyone sat in anticipation for a few moments as Detective Eri was trying to bust the case.

"Homo." Eri said, throwing her hands back and falling into Mirio's lap.

The room instantly filled with laughter, and Momo sat there completely struck paralysed with embarrassment and surprise for the second time in the last few minutes.

I sneak a look at Midoriya and Todoroki who were both looking at me while trying to hold back their own laughter, as I started cackling.

"Not quite Eri..." Mirio said, still smirking himself, and looking at Tamaki next to him who was covering his mouth while chuckling.

"M-My name is Momo." Momo stuttered.

Eri just smiled at her. "Sorry Momo." Eri said. Then gently high-fived Midoriya.

Everyone was laughing around us, and again. If I could have stopped time forever, I would have kept that moment for eons. If I could, I would have. There's something truly beautiful about that many people, all filling a room with so much positivity that just makes you sit in awe of existence it's self.

I didn't even have to do anything, it happened without me...

...they're happy without me.

"Not today Satan. Get out of my head." I think as I sat back and watched everyone exchanging jokes and apologies.

No matter how much I can dismiss it, it's always there, that doubt. But right now, I won't let it get in the way of me having a happy life.

"Well..." Momo muttered. Instantly everyone went silent. "I would like to say something..."

My eyes went wide, my heartbeat shot up. My foot twitches slightly, and I sharply inhale. In seconds I'm scared.

Is she announcing that we're together right now?!?!



"I am in fact gay." Momo said.

Oh thank god.


oh yeah we're dating....


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