A Long Story

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"I was young, and I had my first girlfriend." Jirou said, she smiled, hands held together in her lap, formed by crossed-legs.

"We always sat together, just the two of us in the school courtyard, with her beautiful brown hair, cut in a bob with one blue eye on the right side and a green one on the left."

"We spent every day, every moment we had together, holding hands and looking at the world around us but it didn't matter. All that mattered was me and her." Jirou spaced out remembering the times where music was everything she ever heard and she felt like she could go beyond Plus Ultra.

But then the flare in Jirou's pupils faded, the inspiration lost.

"Then she finally managed to use her quirk properly, poor girl, it required very specific conditions to be met to activate. And it was just my luck."

"Her quirk was called Mirth Leech."

"When she achieves a stage of tranquility, peace or happiness, she starts to drain the life from everyone around her. I didn't even realise it was happening until I was getting slower and sleepier. I think she realised too, she looked at me as my earphone jacks started to crack, and she ran away."

"I haven't met her in person since, and I still have scars from it, my arms are cut in places where it started to drain my life, and I get headaches because she damaged my earphones."

"However I heard news about her, she was found in the supply room of a hospital crying. Apparently, as they discovered her quirk works the opposite way as well, her grief and depression heals those around her, she hid in a hospital hoping to die, the closer to death she got, the better the patients recovered."

"About 3 weeks ago she passed away, overdosing on anti-depressants. Everyone within a few wards were completely cured, signifying that she suffered immense pain before she died."

Jirou wasn't crying per-say, but her body made no effort to stop the tears from running down her cheeks and scattering in groups across the floor.

Denki sat there in complete silence, he looked now at Jirou's earphones, there was a plain white tape tied around part of the jack, that cracks were peaking out of.

"I'm so sorry, for both of you, neither of you deserved that." Denki said, looking at the floor, tears of his own in his eyes.

"No. I deserved it. She didn't."

"What do you mean you deserved it?!?!"

"I don't deserve anything good, and that is why I can never ask Momo out, because bad things happen to the people that I care about. How do I know, that at any moment, a villain won't break through these walls like they have done a thousand times?"

"You know that isn't true, and what if a villain burst in, then Momo could get hurt and she'd never know how much you love her." Denki said, he couldn't bear to look at Jirou, he couldn't handle looking at his friend in the state she was in, it was too much for him to look at the confident and strong Jirou at her lowest point.

"That's what I've been struggling with for so long, since I first met her."

"It's alright, you hear me, everything is going to be okay. I'm always here for you and an open ear to listen to anything you have to say."

Outside the door, Aizawa lifted his ear from the door.

"Poor kid." Aizawa muttered, lifting one single tear drop from the edge of his eye.

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