The Lady Of Dreams

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The woman in the cloaked laughed. "I suppose I've never actually met any of you have I?" She chuckled.

"I know who you are!" Midoriya said. "I've seen you on the news."

"Not too recently I imagine...I had quite the falling out with the press a couple years back." She admitted. "Mind if I sit down?"

A couple people nodded as she took off the cloak and gently folded it in her hands, placing it on her lap as she sat.

Underneath the cloak this mysterious woman was definitely a more unusual sight. Obsidian black hair, as dark as the nights sky. Two glowing white eyes with drops of blue running through it like ink spread on paper through chromatography. Her skin was a very, very dark blue so much so that it was nearly completely black, yet across her cheeks and beneath her eyes were dozens of silver freckles that formed like stars.

She was wearing a short sleeved black shirt, covered in decorations of splashed paint. A baggy set of trousers and combat boots. However along her arms were dozens of scars that almost seemed to each have a azure blue glow to them. From the angles they were positioned at, some even looked as if they could be self-inflicted.

"You can call me, Loki." She said.

"Woah..." Momo said, looking in amazement at the very beautiful woman with both admiration and overwhelming curiosity.

"Loki? Like the trickster god?" Todoroki asked.

"Yep." Loki said.

"Isn't he a guy?" Denki asked.

"He's genderfluid really." Loki said. "But to be fair the name stuck when I was still male."

Anyone who looked over to Midoriya saw him silently congratulate himself. "I knew it!!!" He squealed. "Your quirk was too similar to Loki's for it not to be you!"

"What is your quirk then Ma'am?" Mina asked, as Loki rested her elbows on the back of the sofa, putting her feet up on a nearby table.

"I'll let Broccoli explain it." She smiled, nodding to Midoriya.

"Well, you've never officially told people, but from all the footage of you I think I can guess. Your quirk allows you to draw something and create it, but it also has the ability to let you manifest energy, like the lightning bolt you threw when the villains attack us. Some bits of it do confuse me." Midoriya explained and confessed.

"I'll answer literally any question you have for me, go ahead kid." Loki said.

"How can you do things like teleport?" Midoriya asked.

"My quirk really does allow me to create anything I draw. But in truth, I'm not making it. My quirk allows me to make unreal things real, but it's very taxing on me."

"YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING BECOME REAL???" The class all gasped.

"That's where some of these scars come in, if I overexert myself to much, I start to no longer be real. My flesh literally begins being unmade. That's why I've come to rely on making minor things real like lightning bolts, and handheld objects like swords. I'm quite the swordswoman actually."

"Why aren't you in the top 10?" Tokoyami asked. "You sound immensely powerful with enough endurance training."

"I dont want any of that fame, I'd much prefer to just help people wherever I can without pulling the public eye too much." Loki admitted.

"Hold on! We're just glossing over the fact that you were a male?" Uraraka asked.

"Yes, I'm trans. I was assigned male at birth." Loki said "all my life I just had this feeling that something was wrong. Every day I would wake up and nothing felt right, not even emotionally, physically as well. The world didn't feel right. One of the reasons I'm here is I owed a favour to Aizawa, he helped me muster up the courage and got me a few moments with Quirk Enhancing drugs when I used them, I completely disassembled myself and put myself back together as female this time."

"YOU DIED, MAAM THAT DOES NOT SEEM LIKE  THE SAFEST COURSE OF ACTION." Iida announced, shooting to his feet with a completely straight back.

"I was fine. I was supervised. But even then I was still conscious despite my body being destroyed. I even reassembled myself with my old self-harm scars by accident. I hated myself for a while, I'm recovered now though, haven't cut myself in 9 years, except for overusing my quirk if you count that I guess."

"Well, why are you at UA then?" Tamaki asked.

"I owed Aizawa, he called it in for just taking a chance on what Nezu was asking me. Y'all's parents have been worried about you for a while, so the schools budget was increased to hire another member of faculty to help with security. That's me." Loki explained

"Wow, I actually do feel more safe knowing you are watching out for us!" Momo said. Looking at her classmates and getting agreeing nods.

"Aizawa's the best." Loki admitted.

"1# dad!" Midoriya said. Followed by Eri, then Shinso, then the rest of Class 1A with Mirio and Tamaki. Starting a chant as Aizawa wandered in with a mug of coffee.

He looked around at his students.

And left the room, drinking from his mug even deeper.

Loki stood up. "I've wasted too much of you kid's spare time as it is already. Have fun, have pride for who you are, you'll be happier that way, trust me." Loki said, as she unfurled her cloak an through it back on. Scribbling with her fingers quickly as she walked away.

She turned and gave a dramatic bow, opening her hand as a rune flashed and she disappeared in a large puff of smoke.

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