Stay With Me

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Jirou and Momo closed the door, but stood by it for a second, hearing people move away from Momo's door.

Momo let out a sigh of relief and drooped her head to rest on Jirou as they stood there, leaning up against the wall together.

Jirou POV:

We're just stood there together, and all I can look at is that slightly goofy smile she's got on her face.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I asked, she closed her eyes and smiled a little wider. Her breathing slowing to a much more calm and measured pace.

"You're here, how could I be unhappy?" She said.

Okay, this is really making me doubt my sanity, she's so adorable in this state, she's happy and she's really comfortable with me.

But she's straight, or is, that's foolish. Even if she was, I'm definitely not her type.

This isn't the time to be thinking about this!

"Because Mineta broke into your room, who knows what he was doing. I know you're hiding it, but you're scared. So why are you happy around me?" I asked. She mumbled something under her breath and stood up fully, wandering over to her bed.

She sat down on the front of it. "I'm used to be harassed by him and it was only a matter of time before he tried something like this, I should have expected it. I should have been more careful, I should have spoken up sooner. I'm not scared of this happening again, I'm angry with myself for not being stronger before." She said, as she spoke she pulled her hands into tight fists, bunching up the sheets of her bed around her angry grasp. She was avoiding looking at me, just staring at her bare feet on the cold floor of the room

"Hey, hey, ther..." I started to say, sitting down next to her, and putting my hand over her fist, but she cut me off.

"But that all goes around when I'm with you..." She looked at me with wonder in her eyes. "You are just the most amazing person that I've ever known, and around you I think I can feel secure. You keep me grounded, you keep me working and you keep me happy."

She released her hand from a fist and intertwined her fingers with mine. Leaning on my shoulder.

"Of course, I promise you. If you have to deal with anyone like M*neta again, I'll fight for you." I promised, still holding the remnants of my broken guitar.

"Oh god, Jirou no, your guitar." Momo said, letting go of my hand and taking the broken guitar in her hands. "This isn't worth it, this is that one you love, this is worth so much more than me."

"Hey, I traded one thing I love...for someon...someone else I l-love..." I coughed.

"Aww, Jioru! I love you too!" Momo said. My cheeks flashed scarlet and my eyes went wide.

"Really?!?!" I shrieked, maybe a bit too loudly, not out of a defensive mechanism, just pure, unbridled gay panic.

"Aren't you supposed to love your friends?" Momo said.

And just like that down into the abyss I go.

"Yes of course. Either way, this was worth it, guitars wear down over time, all instruments do, eventually they have to be replaced. That one was well worn. But friends, if you really care about a friend they can't just be replaced, they're so, so unique. You never, ever forget them."

As I spoke, I thought back to every instrument I've ever played, none of them, not one of them, filled my heart with nearly as much joy, as just being in this moment with Momo.

"Wow...thank you...I didn't really have any friends before UA, I was pretty sheltered. You're the only person I've met who's willing to open up to me like this." Momo said. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear nervously.

At that moment she swayed for a second, drooping a bit.

"Hey, Momo! Cmon, get into bed, you're exahuasted." I stood up and lead her so she could lie back into her bed.

"Jirou, will you stay here? Overnight I mean..." She asked. She was burying her face in her hands to hide it for some reason.

"YEA- yes, yes. I'll be right here, nobody will do anything while I'm here." I grabbed a chair that sat by her desk and pulled it up to her bedside. Crossing my legs and leaning on my elbows.

She smiled and closed her weary eyes. She was deep asleep in moments, her exhaustion taking it's toll.

I spent a moment watching her, but adjusted myself in my chair and pulled out my phone and saw a text from Kaminari waiting on my phone.

"I know you've reached peak gay disaster levels, Congratulations, but are you ready for tomorrow?" Denki's message said.

"Yeah, I might need a bit of a conversation with you first though. There's a question I need answered first." I wrote back.

"Sure, what's the question?"

"Does Yaomomo is gay?"

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