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It looks like Jirou's okay right now, I think she's more worried about me than herself, but I can tell she's scared still. She's terrified. But she'll be okay...hopefully.

I won't let her be sad. She deserves to be happy. I'll make sure that happens no matter what!

Me and Kyoka walk into the rest of their home, passing into the main room and Kyoka just dropping, face first into a sofa.

I can see Kyotoku working away, putting together a couple things in the kitchen, he's really trying.

"Umm, Mr. Jirou...can I help at all?" I ask. As I approached, he started to put up a front of seriousness, but the minute I finished speaking his smile returned.

"Of course, it's my pleasure to have someone here that will HELP ME COOK." He shouted over to Jirou.

"Hey! I helped occasionally..." Jirou retorted.

"Kyotoku, please." Mika said as she leaned through a door adjacent to the main room. "There are two of us in this house with enhanced hearing, no need to shout. And Kyoka, darling, don't snap back at your father it's rude. Can I speak with you for a moment while Momo helps your father?"

"Of course." Jirou said, quickly getting up and following Mika out of the room. As she closed the door behind her, she blew me a quick, little kiss as she shut it.

I closed my eyes, put my hands over my heart, and blushed a little bit.

Next to me Kyotoku just shook his head smiling a little wider and muttered under his breath. "this is so adorable I think I'm gonna cry."

We spent a couple minutes in silence, him making a mess of some things as he went, and me cleaning up the surface so we could fit anything on it, moving pots and pans around and out of the way. As much as he's trying, he's just leaving random kitchen utensils all over the place.

"Y'know. I was worried, and Mika still is, but you really care about her don't you?" Kyotoku said to me, beginning to move some of the food we'd made onto plates.

"Of course I do Mr. Jirou, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. She keeps the weight of the world off my shoulders, and she's a walking example of the fact that home, truly, is where the heart is." I said, saying what I had been preparing internally.

"Hey, take it easy, this isn't an exam. And no need for the formality, just call me Kyotoku." He said. My cheeks turned to an embarrassed scarlet. "Momo. There's no need to be so nervous. You're making a great impression. You don't have to prove anything to me, trust me."

"I'm sorry, I just...ilovehersomuch." I murmered.

Kyotoku laughed a little. "Y'know, when Kyoka introduced us to her first girlfriend, I was a little confused. It changed all the expectations I had for how our lives could end up. I thought I would just raise a strong musician, who would be able to find her place in the world and help so many lives. But never, never in all of my brightest dreams, did I ever perceive her as happy as she is with you, and a hero! Of all the jobs...a hero!." He explained. He put down the pot he was holding down and sat back while he spoke, looking at me occasionally but mostly looking toward the door that Mika and Kyoka had gone through.

I could only stand there, I was completely overwhelmed. So I just started to cry.

"Hey, let's finish off making the food. I'm sure Mika thinks the same as me, believe it or not, out of the two of us, I'm the more sentimental one." Kyotoku admitted.

Mika and Kyoka left the room they had been speaking in, leaving the room with Kyoka bright red with embarrassment.

The four of us sat around a table, mismatched snacks and a decorated cake, but with a little bit of smeared icing and possibly a little bit over cooked in places.

We sat for a time, as the weather started to pick up, a small crash of thunder outside. The gentle hits of rain against glass and the ringing of small drops hitting the roof.

As the light started to be cut out by dark clouds, and then the crash of lightning started to grow more intense. The sun was already low, now reaching the evening, we were putting off having to return to UA, and enjoying the company of Kyotoku and Mika Jirou.

The spinning winds started to pull around things to a point where the weather had become too dangerous to allow safe travel.

"Oh my, that's quite a storm." Mika said, looking out at the crash of lightning and clash of clouds.

"We have to walk back to UA in that..." Jirou sighed, gently putting her hand on mine and giving me a concerned sigh.

"No. No you won't. You can stay here tonight and go back tomorrow." Kyotoku announced, making a firm command. With a look of worry as a lightning bolt crashed into a nearby tree and carved a scar down the side of it. "We'll let your teacher know. You two can stay in Kyoka's room for the night and go back to UA in the morning."

Mika turned to look at Kyotoku in surprise, then looked over at Jirou who was looking at her with anticipation, and sighed.

"Cmon, I'll show you my room." Kyoka pulled me up to my feet, and dashed off to her room before anyone could object.

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