That Wall Caves In

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Momo POV:

Kaminari was sat with me in my room, later at night the next day. There was a short knock at the door.

Denki stood up to open it making sure the blanket around me is secure, and the box of tissues in front of me is full.

"Oh, hello sir. Yes she's here." Denki greeted, leading Aizawa inside.

"Yaoyorozu, could you come with me for a moment." Aizawa said, his eyebrows were low and the signs were there that he had been at least crying a little.

I nodded and followed him as he led me out of my room and down to his office, guiding me along gently.

We sat down in his office, Shinso's cat Luna still lying on his desk. As I sat down, she jumped down into my lap and sat there. She then sat up and dabbed at the tears in my eyes with her paws, nuzzling against my face a little, then sat down and fell asleep.

"She's nice to have around, always knows how to help when you're sad." Aizawa laughed. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm scared to close my eyes. But they really sting." I confessed, looking down in shame.

I heard Aizawa put something down on his desk. A dull thud. I looked up to see his phone on the desk, with a single message from Jirou sent to the school's number. "We found this message this morning." He said.

It's a location.


"Why are you showing this to me?" I asked, energy returning to my emotionally exhausted from.

"Because we're going after her tonight." Aizawa explained. "And we'd like you to be there to help her out."

Hours later we were hidden in place overlooking a lone warehouse. There was no sound of birds singing, or gentle song of the whistling wind. The clouds were dark, grey and everything was shadowed from the sky's absence of stars. The only light coming from a dwindling moon.

Aizawa and Hawks sat amongst the various small bits of shrubbery and small foliage that could conceal them. I was currently moving closer in with a silent-footed Edgeshot.

We climbed up to the roof of the building and opened a small skylight to slip inside. Quickly followed by Aizawa and trading a nod with Hawks as he took off into the sky to stop villains from being able to flee if they ran.

The warehouse was dark, that's what told us that something was wrong. It was vacant of all light, and deathly silent. I'm looking around as Edgeshot taps my shoulder and gestures to a figure lying in the middle of the room. Clearly female, short purple hair, lying on her side.

I slowly creep forward, but Aizawa's hand on my shoulder stops me as he holds on tight. "This is a trap." Aizawa muttered, looking around. "They're using her as bait."

"What does it matter if we can get her out in time?" I whispered. "If we can grab her and get out quickly we can escape. It doesn't matter how good their trap is if we're quick enough."

Edgeshot looked around the room. "If we can get extraction to go in through that wall? We could grab her and be out in moments."

Aizawa looked shocked. Then breathed for a moment. "What's the lowest risk?" He asked.

"Grabbing her?" Edgeshot said. "None of us are incredibly fast when carrying someone, our best shot is getting the body and getting to extraction. Negotiations with this group aren't going to be a good idea."

"Fine, but I'm ready to Erase anyone who tries to stop you, for long enough for you all to get ready to get out." Aizawa surrendered.

Me and Edgeshot shared a nod and slowly approached the body, weapons at the ready. They aren't moving.

As we get closer I can see the blood on the floor, splatters, small, but a lot of them.

It's definitely Jirou.

I can see dozens of cuts opened along her arms. I rush up to her.

I turn Jirou over and see a couple bloodied gashes cut through her clothes.

"Jirou, I'm so sorry, but it's okay. I'm here. I'm here. You're going to be okay." I cried holding her. She's still alive, I can feel her heartbeat through her Earphones.

"Adorable." Shigaraki's voice echoes as a clapping started to fill the chamber.

He stepped out of the shadows with Toga, and another Toga. Ending his clap as he looked over us and cracked his knuckles.

"GO" Aizawa shouted, jumping down to us and holding his scarf ready. I pick up Jirou's body as she is starting to stir

Me and Edgeshot started to back up toward the wall. As Edgeshot held a finger to his ear. He muttered something and took a couple steps away from the wall as a blast of lightning carved through it. The entire wall exploded outwards, with the shards of it bouncing around me and Edgeshot. As Loki arrived.

Shigaraki pounced at Aizawa but he sidestepped him and pulled the scarf tight to constrict, but Toga 1's knife carved through it, as she jumped over him, slid under Aizawa and threw a lustful glare at me, giggling: "Ooo, you came for her! That's so cute! Can I have some of your blood while you're here?"

Toga 2 tried to dodge past Aizawa but he tripped her up and bound her hands behind her back with a swirl of the scarf.

"Mo-Momo?" Jirou stuttered as she started to wake.

Toga was stopped by Loki in her way, catching her foot as she jumped past, but delivering a cut against the scars of the hero's wrist. But Loki spun round and kicked Toga in the head. Running back to grab me and Jirou. Scrawling a teleportation rune and drawing a circle on the floor around the two of us.

"We're getting you out of here babe." I said to Jirou holding her tighter, but she started to stand on her own, shaky, but strong.

"I-I'm so scared." Jirou stuttered then looked up at me "I..."

Toga looked up and raised her knife by the handle, looking towards me.


Toga threw the knife.

"...yo-" Jirou stopped half way through speaking.

Then I noticed the bloodied knife sticking out of her back.

Her hands, that were beginning to grab onto my shoulders, went limp.

Her face, filled with pain, relaxed.

Her body almost instantly felt cold.

As she fell.


Oh Honey // momojirouजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें