Fallen, I Rise

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Jirou POV:




I croak out some words, but I have no idea what those words are, they just slide out my lips.

But all of that goes away as Momo presses her lips to mine.

Y'know folks, sometimes being dead is just what you need to really appreciate how beautiful your girlfriend is. You feel me?

And she was resplendent, her gleaming jewels for eyes, her aura of comfort and the feeling of a well earned rest after a stressful day. It just filled my heart with belonging and calmness.


What if I hadn't come back? What had I done with my life? There's no legacy, no story of my grand sacrifice, just an inscription of a fading slab of stone. I'm left to disappear into the forgotten section in the library of history. What about if I-

My train of thought was completely stopped by that aura of warmth coming from my girlfriend, it's difficult to put into words, but I could feel that my thoughts went numb from her soft lips. It snapped me out of my painful paranoia and gave me the atmosphere I needed to get my composure together.

God damn I love this woman.

"EXCUSE ME WHAT?!?!" I heard Denki shout, I can see him gesturing at me wildly out of the corner of my eye. I feel bad for not telling him before now, but, wait a minute. I could see a slight bit of a smile amid his confused shouts. Does he know?

The rest of the class have stepped forward and rushed over to me, forming a cloud around me and Momo. Despite that Momo held onto the back of my head, slowly pulling out of the kiss at her own pace, despite the cheering and whooping of our classmates, and the apart confusion of a select bunch.

"WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!? RIGHT NOW?!?!?!" Denki exclaimed, as he just flailed his hands around looking at us. I noticed a tiny wink of his directed toward Momo.

"YOU GO GIRL. YESSSS." Mina cheered from the back of the crowd.

"Fascinating." Todoroki muttered, as him and Midoriya stood back from the crowd. They were stood beside Mirio, Tamaki and Shinso, now all embracing a smiling Eri.

"Hey, quick question, what the fuck?" Principle Nezu said, as he came rushing round the corner from the commotion, then just stopped to look at the scene in complete confusion.

"Jirou died!" Midoriya commented.

"...in what way does that answer my question?"

"It's alright I got better." I said, standing up, my legs were shaky but Momo guided me to my feet.

"Is this a joke?" Nezu said, an suspicious look crossing his face.

The air filled with static as sparks started to ignite, then coagulated into a sphere of lightning. The lightning swirled and burst open, vanishing into the air. Revealing Loki, Hawks, Aizawa and Edgeshot.

"Jirou!" Aizawa cried as he ran over.

Loki stood looking at me for a moment, her eyes filled with the guilt, catching my eye and seeing the accusation in my eyes. She was brought here to keep us safe, and I got kidnapped under her watch.

It's her fault.

Loki turned around and marched outside, solemnly leaving, holding a single shaking hand.

Hawks turned and dashed outside with Loki, I could hear him trying to speak with her, but she didn't stop walking until she disappeared from view.

Edgeshot stepped over to Nezu, explaining the situation, talking quietly and giving me a piercing stare.

"You we-were.....dead." Aizawa stuttered, trying to collect his thoughts while speaking. "How?"

I gestured over to Eri. "I don't know how...but she revived me." I smiled, as I spoke Momo's grip on my tightened a little more.

Aizawa stepped away, breathing heavily and rubbing his forehead. "This is a miracle, I really don't know what to say, this is too much for me while I'm this tired. I need a drink."

"I can get you coffee?" Shinso asked.

"No, I need whiskey." Aizawa said, sitting down, and holding his head in his hands, still breathing heavy.

"Please. Everybody calm down. Everything is fine, I was dead, I am alive. We all need to keep calm." I announced.

Aizawa spent a moment, and slowed his breathing until he could completely pull himself together. "Okay, okay, this is fin-"

"WHATS WITH ALL OF THE NOISE ALL OF A SUDDEN, ANDWHYWASNTIINVITED." A screech filled the room, as Present Mic came sliding along the floor into the room.

"Mic, I love you, but please be quiet..." Aizawa sighed, then his face dropped in shock.

"Oh, oh." Mic said sadly, looking at the floor.

"It's okay, just, the wrong time." Aizawa said, looking at the floor to avoid all of the astounded stairs from his students.

"Does anyone else want to randomly reveal a hidden relationship?" Kirishima asked, looking between his classmates.

"I think this is enough for tonight."

Around me and Momo happy chattering started to rise, as she pulled me in for another kiss. This time there was no more confusion from our classmates, only celebration, it's a whole new level of feeling accepted and cherished.

What I didn't notice was that one person wasn't joining in, Denki stepped away and slid away.

"Hey are you okay?" Shinso said, catching his arm as he walked away.

And I wish I had heard when he said "Everyone that deserves to be happy is." Denki said, pulling his arm free and walking away, disappearing into his room and locking the door.

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