The Masked Woman

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"He's here." I say, looking down from the second floor, towards a man with Black hair, and Red eyes coming into the bar. That man, he looks...familiar... "It's about time. He knows I have a Tribe to run." Raven says annoyed at his late arrival. I look back at her, seeing her take her mask off, and setting it on the circular table before her. If she's showing her face...he must be someone she trusts...he knows she runs the Tribe as well..? Who could that be..? "What's he doing now?" She asks sitting at the table, crossing her right leg over her left, leaning her head on her palm. I suppose I'll have to be patient. I look over my shoulder, down at the man once more. "Waiting." I say. "Call the Barmaid." She says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and wave the Barmaid over. "Y-Yes ma'am?" She asks, looking at me nervously. I knew it was because of my appearance, so I ignore her fear.

The White mask with Red markings isn't even close to a tribute to the White Fang's masks, but to Humans, all they see is the White and Red Mask, and immediately assume the worse

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The White mask with Red markings isn't even close to a tribute to the White Fang's masks, but to Humans, all they see is the White and Red Mask, and immediately assume the worse. My long Black Tail probably didn't help the situation. "That man there." Raven says, nodding to me. Lazy. I sigh. I suppose I'll play along. I point towards the Black Haired man with Red eyes below. "Y-Yes?" She asks. "Give him a drink, he won't mind Bottom Shelf." Raven says with a smirk. The Barmaid looks to the man, as she does, her eyes widen, and her cheeks seem to flush. He must interest her. "Alright, you've received your orders, so get to it." Raven speaks, treating the woman like one of her tribe. Arrogant. I hand the woman her payment and send her on her way. She hurries off. "Took her long enough." She says and rolls her eyes. I look to Raven, a frown on my face. She notices this and looks to me. "What, something to say?" She challenges. Before I can speak, footsteps approach, catching my attention. The man stops at the top of the stairs, holding the drink he was given.

"Hello, brother." Raven says, making my eyes widen. What..? But she said he... I'm taken out of my thoughts, by the man speaking. "Raven." The man says. The voice is the same... I look at the man coming towards us, looking over his appearance. Black hair. Red eyes. Other than the obvious aging, he looks the same...but that would mean she..! I look to Raven, the feeling of betrayal, anger, and sadness all mixing together in my chest. The man reaches the table, looking to me. I quickly look away, not wanting to face him just yet. It could be an act, she could be testing me.. "Friend of yours?" He asks curiously. "That isn't any of your business, now is it?" Raven asks, before I feel her gaze on me. I knew it, she is testing me, isn't she... This thought was not a question, the answer was obvious. What is she planning..? Why has she revealed this to me, now of all times..? I meet her gaze, keeping my usual blank stare. This seems to please her. "Fine." The man says, before pulling out a chair. "So...what do you want?" He asks, giving another glance to me, before looking back to Raven. This man, he doesn't recognize can't be Qrow. With that thought, I focus on them.

"A girl can't just catch up with her family?" Raven asks smugly. "She can, but you're not. So how about we get on with it." The man says, taking a drink. "Unless you plan on keeping these coming." He says, placing the glass down. I narrow my eyes as I notice the strong smell of alcohol on him, even from where I stood. It was clear this wasn't his first drink, and with the smell, I knew it wouldn't be his last. This man is an Alcoholic. Qrow never drank this much... I continue to observe them. Raven ignores his words. "Does she have it?" She asks, all smugness replaced by seriousness. She..? I keep watching. The man looks to me. "She gonna stand there all night?" He asks. Raven sighs. "Just answer the question." Raven says. The man is silent for a few seconds, running his finger around the cup's rim, making it give off a low whistling sound. "Did you know Yang lost her arm?" The man asks, dodging her question once again. Raven fists her hand. "That's not--" he cuts her off. "Rhetorical question. I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you'd bring up family, and carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist." He says. Daughter..? "I saved her." She says. "Once...because that was your rule, right? Real mom of the year material, sis." The man says, making me smirk, once I see Raven's growing anger. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy seeing her frustration. I keep watching.

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