The Truth

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The sound of children laughing appears, just before I see the four young girls from the picture. My eyes widen, before a smile forms on my lips. The one in Blue was reading, while the ones in Pink and Orange chased each other, and finally, the one in Green held a stuffed toy, tugging on her mother's dress. Salem and Ozma held each other, smiling down at her. They seem happy.. I smile at this, but my happiness is short lived, for the scene changes, showing mankind at war with each other. My smile fades, when I see Salem's smirk, as she watched the war through a crystal ball. I wonder if any of it was real for her.. "Are you sure this is right?" Ozma speaks, catching her attention, along with my own. 

He stood there, arms crossed, staring out one of the many windows of the room they were in. "You said we needed to bring Humanity together. In order to do that, we have to spread our word, and destroy those who would deny it." Salem says. Those words shock Ozma, and he closes his eyes, before looking at his reflection. "What are we doing?" His reflection asks, before the scene goes Black, showing Ozma's true form staggering back in surprise, before the scene returns to normal. Salem had returned to peering into her crystal ball, unknowing of Ozma's reaction. Has he finally realized it? I wait patiently. "This isn't what he asked of me.." Ozma speaks. These words bring a look of shock on Salem's face, before she quickly looks to Ozma. 

"What did you say?" Salem asks, right before the sound of a door opens, revealing the child in Blue running inside. "Mother, Father, look!" The girl says happily, before magic begins to dance around her hands. This makes Salem's eyes widen in surprise, before a smile forms on her lips. That that from the pride of a mother...or from a lust for power.. I narrow my eyes skeptically. "It was a miracle. Their children could perform Magic." Jinn speaks, catching my attention, before it focuses on Ozma. "But, what should have been a joyous occasion.." Jinn trails off, as the scene changes. "Was short lived." She finishes, as the new scene unfolds before my eyes.

Ozma and Salem stood in a room full of books, with a single desk at the end. Salem leaned against the desk, while Ozma paced back and forth, almost like he was explaining something. "Ozma told Salem everything. The true reason the God of Light had brought him back." Jinn explains. My eyes widen. Everything? Even of The Relics..? "The Relics that they scattered around the world, and the day of judgment, he had been told to prepare for." She continues. I sigh and shake my head in disappointment. 

"Don't you see? None of that matters anymore. Why spend our lives trying to redeem these Humans, when we can replace them with what they could never be?" Salem speaks up once he finished. My eyes narrow at this. Replace them? You cannot be serious..! Ozma averts his gaze, lost in thought. He must see the type of person she is now, right? He cannot let this stand! I silently hope he sees reason, as the scene begins to change.

 He must see the type of person she is now, right? He cannot let this stand! I silently hope he sees reason, as the scene begins to change

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Once the new scene appears, I have my answer. The four children walk quietly out of a door, Ozma leading them. He's making a run for it with them, good. These children deserve better. I sigh in relief, but sadly my relief is short lived, once the girl in Green speaks. "Mommy?" She asks, making Ozma's eyes widen, and quickly look in that direction. Salem stood at the end of the hall, glaring towards them. No, don't tell me she.. I trail off, once I see Ozma step in front of his children, an almost pleading look on his face, as he stares towards Salem, before slowly shaking his head. My heart sinks, when I see Salem summon a ball of Magic within her hand. I look back towards the four children, sorrow rising in my chest. I knew how this would end, and it broke my heart. The two begin to fight soon after.

I stagger back, hand over my mouth, as I look upon the familiar stuffed toy, which belonged to the child in Green. The stuffed animal lay on the ground of the collapsed castle, singe marks all over it's body. They didn't stand a chance.. I avert my gaze, clenching my teeth in frustration. That's when Ozma let's out a pained breath, catching my attention. He dragged his body away from the collapsed building, a trail of blood in his wake. Salem appears soon after, going after him. She kicks him onto his back, before stepping on his chest, earning a pained grunt. "We finally had freedom.." Salem says angrily. Ozma goes to speak, but the words are never able to be heard, because flames shoot towards him, finishing him off. I narrow my eyes in anger, clenching my hands into fists. Dammit.. The scene changes soon after.

"Thus began a painful cycle of death and rebirth for Ozma." Jinn says, as a series of his past lives flash by me. "Some lives were spent in mourning. Many were spent attempting to forget it all. But no matter what, his mind would eventually turn back to the task he had been burdened with, and as the centuries went on and on, Ozma began to learn the importance of living with the souls, with which he had been paired." Jinn continues. "But no matter where or how he lived, her presence was always felt." She says, stopping at one of his past lives, opening the door to the house, revealing townspeople being attacked by a horde of Grimm. With a last look towards his new family, he runs out, and chases after the Grimm. 

"If Humanity was ever to stand a chance of being united, one thing was clear.." Jinn trails off. "He had to destroy her.." I finish for her, before the scene changes again. It showed an older version of that same reincarnation, working on the familiar cane Ozpin now wielded. "Knowing he could never rid the world of her through any Mortal means, Ozma sought out the Power of the Relics." Jinn explains, before it shows the older reincarnation, tucking the cane away in a locker of sorts, before closing the door. The next time the door opens however, it showed yet another reincarnation. "Armed with my knowledge, he could fulfill his promise to the God of Light.." Jinn says, as the scene becomes White, showing only Ozma walking, holding the lamp. Blue Smoke appears, before the Jinn of his time shows herself. 

"Where are the other Relics?" Ozma asked. "He asked me his questions." The voice of Jinn from our timeline continues to tell her tale. "What powers do they possess?" Ozma asks. "And though I gave him my answers.." She continues. "How do I destroy Salem?" Ozma asks. "Not all of them were to his liking.." She says, before his version of her, adjusts her position, looking down at him. "You can't." His Jinn replies plainly, making my eyes widen. Salem can't be destroyed..? This realization plagues my mind. Ozma falls to his knees soon after. That's when the scene before me fades away.

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