One Step Closer

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I hear my bedroom door open. Another one? Who could it be this time? I sigh and leave my Red armor hanging. It had been a few hours since Ruby left, in that time I had washed my Red armor, bidding my time while I waited for it to dry. Do these kids know how to knock? I walk out of the bathroom, and stop at who I see. Oh, well this one makes sense at least. Qrow was leaning against the wall, waiting with his arms crossed. "Have you come to hear my life's story too?" I ask, smirking. He chuckles and kicks off the wall. "No, but I am here to see this tattoo I've heard so much about." He says with a smirk, walking forward. Ruby must've told him about it. Something told me I knew why he wanted to see it. "You saw it already." I remind him with a smirk, crossing my arms over my chest. "Not all of it apparently." He says, reaching me. I roll my eyes as he lightly lifts my arm, examining the rest of the tattoo. Specifically, The Crow.

I watch him examine the tattoo, seeing a smirk on his face when he does

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I watch him examine the tattoo, seeing a smirk on his face when he does. However, his smirk soon vanishes, turning to a frown when he catches a glimpse of my back, and the scars there. Knowing why he acted the way he did, I quickly take my arm back, deciding to distract him. "Have you finished stroking your ego?" I tease him. He snaps out of it and chuckles. "For now." He says. "Just so we're clear, I only added this after your supposed death." I say. He chuckles at this. "I figured as much. Anyways, get ready, Oz wants us all in the living room." He says. "What for?" I ask. "To talk about our next move." He says. I nod my head and retrieve the rest of my armor.

We walk into the living room soon after. Qrow sits down on the couch, while I sit on the arm of it, next to him, arms crossed. All of us look to Ozpin, who stood in the center of the room. "As you all know, our next move is getting the lamp to Atlas. It will be no easy feat, with James' closing of the Atlas borders." Ozpin begins. "On top of that, there's the embargo to worry about. So sneaking into a Supply ship is out." Qrow adds. "Yes, so I've heard." Ozpin replies, sighing. "Then how are we suppose to get to Atlas? If we can't get in normally, and we can't sneak in, what is there left?" Jaune asks. Everyone falls silent, trying to think. In the silence, the sound of a train is heard, catching my attention. Perhaps if we.. I stand up quickly, catching Qrow's attention. "Solar?" Qrow asks, I don't answer, and walk to one of the closest windows, peering out. 

Raven did mention a city near there once...what was the name again? Qrow walks over to me soon after. "What is it?" He asks once he reaches me. I struggle to remember the name. We could hop a train and then..! Yes, that could could be a first step.. As I'm thinking this, Qrow waves a hand before my face, catching my attention. "The train." I say. Qrow raises a brow. "Yea, what about it?" He asks confused. "Well, we know our destination is Atlas." I say. "Yea, but there's no way in." He says. "Raven mentioned a City close to Atlas, I cannot remember the name.." I say trailing off. "Argus." Jaune speaks up, catching our attention. "Yes, that was it. Thank you, Jaune." I say, acknowledging him with a nod. He nods at this with a small smile. 

"Argus.." Qrow trails off, and thinks about this for a few minutes, before turning to look towards Ozpin. "What do you think Oz?" He asks. "Well, if anything, it could get us closer." Ozpin says, nodding in approval. "Perhaps we can find a way in from there." I say, turning to the others. "Is everyone agreed then?" Ozpin asks. "As much as I hate to admit it, I think that's our best shot." Yang says. "I guess we could give it a try, it's not like we have many options." Blake says. "Let's do it!" Nora says, overly excited. "No complaints here." Ren says. "It'd be nice to see my sister again, I'm sure she'd love to meet you guys!" Jaune says to the others. "Let's go, there's no time to waste." Ruby says. "Then we have a plan. We'll leave in a week, be sure you are ready, the wilds in that region are anything but predictable." Ozpin says. I glance to Weiss, noticing she never spoke up. Her face was almost sad, while she hugged an arm to her side. I arch a brow at this. She...doesn't seem to like this plan.. I decide to push that thought back for now, and listen in to the others, as we begin to discuss what to expect.

Before long, the week was over. I climb out of the bed, to test my arm and body movements, making sure I had full mobility. The pain is gone, it seems I'm healed. Which means.. I walk to the bathroom, look in the mirror, and peel off the bandages on my face. Sure enough, all that was left, was a Pink scar, starting from the jawline of the right side of my face, and ending a few inches above my left brow. I suppose that's one more to add to the pile.. Sighing, I put my mask on, and leave.

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