First Mission pt. 2

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When we reach the conference room, I notice Jaune and Clover stood next to a platform, talking to one another. Jaune happens to notice us and smiles brightly. "Guys!" he calls out happily. Hearing this, Clover turns, before smirking at the three of us walking up to them. "Now that everyone's here, we can get started." Clover says, motioning us over. I exchange a glance with Qrow, as Ruby runs past us to Jaune's side. "Hey, figured I'd warn you ahead of time.." Qrow says quietly. I raise a brow. "About?" I ask just as quietly. "This room functions the same way James' office does." he says, making my eyes widen, as I remember the dark room. "Oh great.." I say with a sigh. Though I understand why they created rooms like this, I cannot say I am the biggest fan.. I sigh again, shaking my head lightly. "I suppose it cannot be helped...thank you for the warning.." I say with a grateful nod. Qrow smirks, before nodding his head, motioning me to follow. But, I suppose I will have to endure it.. With a sigh, I follow him to the platform. Once we all stood near the platform, Clover hits the button, plunging the room into darkness. Once completely dark, the platform activates.

 Once completely dark, the platform activates

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"Alright, gather round. Our mission is to secure the launch site for the Amity Communications Tower. The designated area is an abandoned Dust mine. Since it's closure, the Grimm have moved in." Clover explains. "The good news is that all that untouched Dust is still down there too." he continues. This could prove to be dangerous. Afterall, Dust is highly corrosive...without the proper precautions, the whole mine could explode...with us in it.. I narrow my eyes and sigh. "How exactly is this good news..?" I ask, earning a chuckle from Clover. "Well, the Science team says they'll need it for the first phase of their launch. We clear the Grimm out, they'll have full access to any Dust still there." Clover explains, looking to me. "I see...well, I suppose that could be considered 'good news' then.." I say, trailing off. "Don't worry, we've prepared enough precautions to keep the place from becoming a graveyard." he says. "How comforting.." I say, before sighing, and allowing Clover to continue. 

"Atlas Military Huntsmen are already hard at work clearing out the surrounding tundra." Clover says, focusing back on the holograms before us. "Recon has identified a powerful Geist, that's managed to evade destruction, and take several lives." he explains. My eyes widen at the familiar name. A Geist..? I've only encountered one in my lifetime, thankfully Qrow was there when I did, otherwise.. I don't finish that thought and try to remember it's attack patterns. It's been so long, I can barely remember that fight...except for.. A brief flash of sharp claws ripping through the air, along with the echo of me screaming his name, raises in my mind. I glance towards Qrow, who was glaring at the image of the Geist. It would seem he still feels responsible...I had a feeling he still did back at Haven but.. I sigh before gently placing my hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of it. He looks to me in surprise. I give him an understanding smile. Seeing this, he sighs, and gives a small smile in return, before we both look back to the holographic image of the Geist. I said it once, and I will continue to say it. I acted of my own volition...he was not to blame for what happened. I was placed into a situation where it was either him or myself, and I chose him. With that thought, I continue to listen to Clover's briefing.

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