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A few days later..

I quietly wait for Qrow's coffee to brew, leaning against the counter with closed eyes. It was very early in the morning. Qrow and I were to accompany Ruby, Penny, and Clover in escorting an Amity Supply Transport to the old mine today. I fight the urge to yawn, as I wait in silence. After a few seconds however, I sigh, sensing someone lurking in the doorway of the still dark kitchen. Due to it being so early, and the fact that I could see in the dark, I had kept the light off, so that I could give my eyes time to wake up without being forced into blinding light. Knowing who it was, I speak. "If you are looking for Qrow, he is still in the dorm room." I say, before hearing the coffee finish. Turning towards the coffee, I take it in my hands, just as the person I had sensed, speaks. "You know the lights work...right..?" Clover asks, before he flips on the light switch, forcing me to squint my eyes, shielding them from the bright light. "Right, sorry about that, should've warned you ahead of time.." he says apologetically, dimming the light a bit so it was less blinding, before walking to one of the cabinets. "In my defense; even though I know you're one of the lucky ones who have the night vision thing going for you; us Humans kind of need the light to navigate, so.." He trails off. Sighing, I blink a few times to allow my vision to adjust.

Once they do, I shake my head. "It's fine." I say, before looking towards him. "Did you need something from me?" I ask, remembering how he had been lurking in the doorway. "No, I just smelled coffee, and figured I'd grab a cup before we set out. But, when I saw the lights were off, I wasn't sure what to expect. Then I saw you leaning against the counter. Figured you were dozing off for a few moments, so I didn't want to disturb you." He admits with a shrug. "I see. I appreciate the thought. Excuse me." I say, starting to leave. Clover sighs and chuckles. "I'm getting the feeling that you don't like me very much...if I've done something to offend you.." he trails off. Hearing this, I stop, and sigh. "You have not. Do not take my actions personally. Due to past circumstances...I simply find it hard to be around those I do not know without Qrow being present.." I admit apologetically. "I see." He says with a nod. "Maybe once you and I have worked together more, you'll feel comfortable enough to tell me about it? To be honest, I'd like to know more about you and Qrow both. You two seem like good people." He says with a kind smile. "As do you." I say with a nod. "Until then, enjoy your coffee. Qrow and I will meet you at the transport in a few minutes." I say, before taking my leave.

A few moments later..

Qrow and I sit in the back of the vehicle with Clover, while Ruby and Penny sat in front with the driver. "Not that I'm bored but, why can't we just use an airship to take these supplies to Amity?" Ruby asks curiously. "The components for Amity Tower's construction are far too heavy. All that weight would require precious Dust we should be saving for the launch itself and the Grimm that will come after." Penny explains. "It just makes for long...very runs.." Ruby says, sounding like she's falling asleep. "At least this route is scenic!" Penny replies, completely unaware. "Totally.." Ruby says tiredly. I sigh quietly and laugh to myself, before looking to Qrow and Clover, who were currently playing cards to pass the time.

"Seems Ruby stayed up late playing those games again.." I mumble towards Qrow. Hearing this, he chuckles. "Everything going alright up there..?" Qrow asks. "Just fine Uncle Qrow!" Ruby says, waking up immediately, earning a chuckle from him. "What about on your end, Solar?" Ruby asks. Hearing this, I speak. "One moment." I say, and contact The Scout, who was currently flying nearby. Closing my eyes, I concentrate. Soon, my vision fuses with The Scout's. I survey our surroundings carefully.

"From what my Scout can see, there seems to be no threats present. However, there are a couple agitated walrus a few paces to the north, along with a couple of penguins on the right." I say, after returning to my own vision. Clover chuckles and shakes his head. "I admit, when you offered to lend us a bird's eye view, I was pretty curious on how you were planning to do so. Have you always been able to fuse your mind with it like that? Gives me a headache just thinking about how you can switch your consciousness back and forth. Aren't you afraid you'll get ambushed one day?" Clover asks. "It is always a risk. However, it is a risk I am willing to take, in order to ensure the safety of others around me." I say with a nod. "I see.." he says, before focusing back on the card game.

After a while, Clover places his cards down. "I win again...maybe we should call it quits..?" Clover asks, taking pity on Qrow's losing streak. Sighing, Qrow places a hand to his forehead, shaking his head. "Just shut up and deal." He says, earning a chuckle from Clover. As Clover shuffles the cards, he speaks. "Your niece sure is one of a kind, huh?" Clover asks the pouting Qrow next to me. "They all are. Been through alot together." Qrow says. Clover nods at this thoughtfully, before glancing at Qrow again. "It's a good thing they have you two to look up to and get them through it. Not everyone is so lucky." Clover says, catching my attention. "I have only just joined them, so I cannot be counted. Qrow however, has been there for them countless times." I correct him. Qrow scoffs. "I don't know about all that. Thanks by the way. For looking out for them. You and your team Clover." Qrow says, looking over to Clover. Clover chuckles and shrugs, before dealing the cards. "What good is saving the world without another generation waiting in the wings? Hopefully they'll leave Remnant better than we left it for them." Clover says, pushing a stack of cards towards Qrow.

Qrow chuckles and takes the cards. "Once upon a time, I'd have drank to that." Qrow says, pretending to hold a glass. "You shouldn't do that you know." Clover says, ignoring his remark. "Oh, don't worry, I gave that up. Solar made sure of that.." Qrow says. "I meant deflect a compliment." Clover says with a smirk, shocking Qrow. "Those kids wouldn't be where they are without you. You've had more of an effect on them than you realize." Clover says. Hearing this, seeing Qrow's shocked face, I can't help but smile in satisfaction to myself. However, before the moment could continue, images suddenly flood my mind, catching my full attention. I focus in on these images immediately.

These women...who are they..? Are they...trying to ambush us..? "Uh...Uncle Qrow?" Ruby's voice calls out. Hearing this, both Clover and Qrow set down the cards, and stand. "What's going on? Grimm?" Qrow asks. "I believe it is an ambush. My Scout just contacted me." I say, standing as well. "Two armed women have blocked the path ahead. Judging by their demeanor, I do not believe they are alone. Hence, why I am certain we are being ambushed." I give my analysis, which Clover nods at. Something about his expression, tells me he knows something. "Friends of yours, perhaps..?" I ask him. "Not exactly.." Clover says, trailing off, with a sigh.

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