Guilt pt. 1

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Qrow's silent as he runs over what I just told him. "Here?" He asks, looking down to me. I nod my head. "The woman who passed us?" He asks. I nod again. "What is she doing in Mantle?" He asks. I shake my head. "I don't know." I whisper. "If that was your mother, why didn't you say something?" He asks. I shake my head. "You know why I can't. To show myself after all these years? After what I've done.." I trail off sadly. I shake my head. "No. I will not do that to her. I will not bring back those memories. I can't. I won't." I say, hugging my arms to myself, feeling helpless, while lowering my head in shame. No. To speak to her now...would only hurt her more.. Qrow sighs and pulls me in, making my eyes widen.

"Dammit many times do I need to tell you it's not your fault..? What happened That Day...was That Man's fault. Not yours. There was nothing more you could've done. For either of them.." he says. Hearing these words, I narrow my eyes sadly, and sigh, slowly bringing my hands to his back, and hugging him tightly. Even though he says that.. My vision blurs and I close my eyes, as I remember The Day That Man Came and everything that happened after. I cannot forgive myself.. For a while, we sit there, until I sigh and pull away. We mustn't forget where we are right matter how much I want to. There is still the Grimm. "Thank you, Qrow.." I say, giving a grateful smile. He nods at me, a small smile on his face. Taking a few steps towards the junction opening, I stop.

I look at the small pack of Sabyrs before us

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I look at the small pack of Sabyrs before us. Some were laying down, others were prowling around the interior. I narrow my eyes at them. "Well, I suppose there is one good thing about these circumstances.." I say. "Which is..?" He asks, seeing the Sabyrs too. I look back to him. "I now have more of a reason to protect this place than ever before." I say with a determined nod. Hearing these words, he gives a proud smile, and nods. "Alright then, what do you say we teach these Sabyrs a lesson?" He asks, walking to my side. The Sabyrs notice us standing there. A couple let out a threatening growl, and charge at us. I won't let them near her. With that thought, I draw my upgraded blades, before looking to him. "I'll follow your lead." I say to him. With that, we nod, and charge forward.

 With that, we nod, and charge forward

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A few moments later..

I watch Qrow stab his Harbinger into the last Sabyr, reducing it to ash. "That's the last of them." He says. I nod and look around at all the Blackened char marks on the ground. "Good. We'll ask the officers to secure the tunnels, and make sure this never happens again." I say, sheathing my blades. Qrow wipes off Harbinger, and does the same. "Hopefully they'll be able to increase security on the walls as well. There's not much left of it still standing." He says. I nod and look down the way we came. "I will guard the wall myself if I must. I won't risk her safety." I say with determination. "Alone? That'd be hard to do with me standing next to you." He says, crossing his arms over his chest, and smirking. I give him a grateful smile. "I should've known you'd say that.." I say. He chuckles. "You're right, you should've. Come on, let's head back and turn the mission in." He says, motioning me to follow. I nod at him, and soon, we leave the junction behind.

By the time we make it back to Atlas, it's dark out. "So, how'd you like your first official mark?" Qrow asks as we walk down the halls of the academy. "I suppose it wasn't too bad, considering where we were.." I say. He chuckles. "Yeah, you're telling me. I'll have to scrub my skin raw in order to get the smell out, and don't even get me started on the armor.." he says, sniffing his arm, and cringing. I laugh quietly. "Agreed." I say with a nod. "Why don't we head off to the showers and meet back in the kitchen? I'm sure the kids already cooked something." He says. "Very well." I say. With that, we part ways.

As I'm walking towards the bathhouse, I start to hear familiar voices. Is that..? I stop and listen in, to be sure. "I didn't sleep a wink last night.." the voice of Yang says. "Me either, they just won't stop...Yang, what do we do..? If this keeps up, we'll never get any sleep.." The voice of Blake says. Hearing these words, I sigh. As I thought. It seems I was right, 'They' have would seem I've run out of time. I need to step in. Everything else will have to wait for now. With that thought, I step out into the open, and look down towards the two girls, who sat in a corner.

Their faces were ragged and pale and dark bags were under their eyes. This is not the best way to start, is all that I can think of at the moment.. "Those expressions.." I speak up, startling them. "I know them well." I say, remembering all the times I've noticed the same expression on my own face. Even after all these years, I still catch myself having it. Yang scoffs and stands, not wasting any time. "Come on Blake, let's just go." Yang says, helping Blake up, before they walk past me. Yang makes a point to bump her shoulder into mine as she passes. I sigh and shake my head. I cannot give up. "Very well, I will not push you. I know when I am unwelcome. However, you should know...the nightmares will only get worse from here." I say. I hear them stop in their tracks at these words. I sigh, relieved I got their attention. If anything was going to reach them, it would've been that. Looking towards them, I speak again. "I know I must not seem like the most trustworthy person to you right now, especially to one of you. But, should you ever change your mind...I Can, and Will help you through Those, and everything that follows.." I say, before looking towards the hall leading to the bathhouse. "Should you wish to talk, my door is always open. That is all I wish to say." With that said, I leave them behind, and make my way to the bathhouse. I cannot force them to trust me, nor can I force them to talk, but, I've offered them my is up to them, whether they take it or not.

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