Unfamiliar Territory

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As we continued down the sidewalk, the sound of running catches my attention. Glancing over my shoulder slightly, I watch a group of three men in uniform, run towards the area we came from. "It landed over there, come on!" I hear one say, before they disappear behind a building. Let's hope they do not find us. Sighing, I look forward once more.

We make our way down another street. I glance in the alleyways as we went, looking for anything suspicious. As I did so, I notice a Faunus male, with antlers, playing an instrument on the ground. My eyes narrow in sadness, seeing his rough clothes, covered with patches. Reaching into my pocket, I take out the pouch which held my Lien. Taking a few Lien out, I toss them at his feet, this catches his attention, and he looks up in shock, after seeing the amount I gave him. "Make good use of it." I say. "Thank you.." He says gratefully. I give him a small smile, and nod. "Come on now, hurry. It shouldn't be much of a walk." Maria says. With those words, we continue on.

We pass a few buildings, before coming to bright Graffiti on another building. 'Show your teeth?' What is this for? I decide not to dwell on it, and continue on. The more streets we crossed, the more soldiers we saw. "Is this many soldiers...normal?" Jaune asks Weiss. "No. At least...I don't think so.." Weiss says, unsure herself. The sound of electric buzzing from behind, catches my attention. Looking back, I see a strange flying object, hovering next to Yang. Yang looks at it closely, which results in light flashing brightly towards her. Seeing this, Yang shields her eyes, before kicking it into the road. Just as the machine is about to raise off the ground, it's run over by a van, destroying it. "Uh...maybe we should pick up the pace.." Yang says awkwardly.

We turn another corner. "You have to remember, the kingdom had just lost the great war. The people of Mantle needed a sign of a better future, and that sign was Atlas. Afterall, a home in the clouds is about as bright as it gets." Maria says, coming to a stop at another street. A truck carrying a half a dozen of both Faunus and Humans, covered in what looked like oil or tar, drives by us. Something about the people on board's faces, struck a mix of sadness and anger within my chest.

"Unless you're the one having to look up at it." Nora speaks, crossing her arms over her chest in disapproval. "This whole city...it just seems so awful.." Blake says, ears down, anger clear on her face. "Took the words right out of my mouth.." I say with a sigh. Just thinking about what these people go through daily, makes my blood boil.. I clench my fists at my sides, averting my gaze. "Yeah? You don't like it here..?" An unfamiliar man speaks, staggering into the sidewalk behind us.

Even though there was a good amount of space between us, I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him. He smells worse than Qrow ever did.. My nose scrunches up from the pungent odor. "There's plenty of space...out in the tundra.." The man says, slurring his words, while swaying back and forth. Blake sighs. "Sorry, I didn't mean t--" the man cuts her off. "Atlas is the greatest kingdom in the world, alright!" The man yells defensively. I hear Ruby growl annoyed to the side of me. "Hey!" Ruby says protectively, taking a step towards him. Blake stops her, catching her attention. "We can't cause a scene." Blake says quietly. "Well said Blake. Besides, he is not alone.." I say quietly, noticing the man in a Blue cap.

"The embargo...the embargo's got in a rough patch, but it will blow over, you'll see." The blue capped man speaks, much calmer than the other man. "We tried to help the other kingdoms, and this is what happens?! I say let 'em rot!" The angry man says, waving his hand wildly. "I apologize. I didn't mean to insult you." Blake says, trying her best to stay calm. The man shoots a glare towards us, spitting to the side of himself. "Stupid Faunus like you, wouldn't underst--" the man is cut off by a Black Glyph appearing underneath his feet. The Glyph sends him flying backwards into a dumpster behind him.

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