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As I walk past team RWBY's dorm room, after getting back from the ambush, I notice Blake and Yang within. We've talked a few times since the first night they came to our room...I wonder if I should check on them.. After a few moments of hesitation, I nod to myself, before I quietly walk up to the doorway, and knock a few times on their open door. Hearing this, they look. "Oh, hey Solar." Yang says. I give them an apologetic smile. "Apologies if I'm interrupting. I simply wished to check on you two. How are you feeling?" I ask. "Better than we were. Last night was the first time we slept through the whole night. Just in time too, or the mark today could've gone badly.." Yang explains. Hearing this, I cannot help but smile. "What of the nightmares?" I ask. "They've finally started to lay off us. Whenever they show up, we use the techniques you taught us." She explains. Hearing this, I smile in relief, and nod. "Excellent, those techniques should be quite effective for most times, as long as nothing triggers the same response you had that day." I say. "They do. Thank you. Though, I have to ask, how'd you come up with those anyway?" Blake asks curiously.

I laugh quietly. "I didn't. Qrow is the one who gave me the idea when we were children." I explain. "He did? Then...does that mean..?" Yang trails off, unsure whether to ask. Her expression told me what she wanted to know. She is asking if Qrow knows everything about my circumstances.. Giving a small smile, I nod my head in confirmation. "That is correct. As I told you two before, Qrow is the one who helped me through the worst parts." I explain. "We remember you said that, but we weren't sure if he knew the whole story." Blake explains awkwardly. "He does." I say, before hearing familiar footsteps approaching from my left. Knowing who it was, I sigh, and smirk. "Qrow was quite persistent as a child, afterall. He even resorted to begging on his hands and knees one time.." I say, right before someone sighs, and flicks me on the side of my head. "What nonsense are you spouting about me now, Solar?" Qrow's annoyed, yet amused voice finds our ears suddenly. Hearing this, I laugh quietly. "I have no idea what you are talking about." I say, crossing my arms over my chest, earning a few quiet snickers from the two girls.

Hearing this, Qrow sighs in defeat, and shakes his head in amusement. "Sure, sure. Anyway, it's late. I'm sure we all could use some rest after today's events. Think I could steal her away for the night?" Qrow asks the two girls, earning confused glances. "Today's events? Did we miss something?" Yang asks. Qrow nods. "Nothing too serious, don't worry. Ruby's on her way to fill you in, she just had to grab Weiss and the others first." Qrow explains. As if on queue, Ruby and the others round the corner. "Speaking of, here they come. We'll let you kids talk. See you guys tomorrow." Qrow says, before looking back to me. Nodding, we leave the kids behind.

Once he closes our dorm room's door, he speaks. "So...have you told them yet..?" He asks, making my eyes widen. After a few moments, I snap out of it, and narrow them, before averting my gaze. "No. Not yet.." I trail off. "I thought it best to help them with their problems first, before telling them mine.." I say quietly. Not only that, but...I am...still hesitant, to speak about my past with them.. "I see.." he says, nodding in understanding.

"So, how are they doing?" He asks

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"So, how are they doing?" He asks. I give a small smile and turn towards him. "Much better. Yang informed me that last night, was their first full night's rest. It would seem the nightmares will leave them soon." I say with a reassuring nod. He sighs in relief. "Thanks Solar." He says quietly. I shake my head with a smile. "If anyone is to be thanked, it should be you. Afterall, you are the reason I knew how to help them. I'm merely doing what you once did for me." I say with a smile. After Yang and Blake had shown up at our door a couple nights in a row, I thought it only right that Qrow was told. Afterall, Yang is his keep something as important as that; a secret from him; would've been unfair to him..

"Speaking of Nightmares

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"Speaking of Nightmares.." he says, trailing off, as he watches me remove my mask. My hands freeze in place. I was wondering how long it would take him.. Sighing, I place my mask down, and speak. "I am alright. It was...minor...compared to what it could've been. No doubt thanks to you." I say with a nod, remembering how I awakened in his arms. Hearing this, he nods as well. "Good, I had hoped it helped. You know I can't stand being unable to do anything for you when that happens.." he admits, rubbing the back of his neck. I nod in understanding. "I know." I say, placing my hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, before releasing it, and walking to my bed. "Will you be alright tonight?" He asks concerned. "I believe so." I say, with a reassuring nod. "Alright, if it happens again, tell me, and I'm there." He says, walking to his bunk. Nodding in understanding, I climb onto my bunk. "I do not believe it will come to that, but thank you." I say, resting my head on my pillow. "No problem." He says. Soon, I hear him climb into his bunk, and settle in for the night.

Once I hear his even breathing, I narrow my eyes in shame. 'I can't stand being unable to do anything for you..' His words echo in my mind, earning a quiet sigh from me, as I shake my head in disappointment. I've worried him once again.. Sighing in disappointment, I turn onto my side, facing the wall. For his sake, I hope I do not trouble him any further.. With that final thought, I allow my eyes to close, and drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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