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Shortly after the Aces leave, we're filed into the transport. "They won't kill her...right?" Jaune asks after the doors close. I don't answer. I simply lock my jaw and close my eyes. Dammit.. "Uncle Qrow?" Ruby asks worried. I knew things were going way too smoothly, and now she's.. I don't answer, clenching my fists tightly. If things go south, and she can't get them to listen.. My knuckles turn White at the unfinished thought. "Uncle...Qrow..?" Ruby asks again. I sigh and look at her. "We need to get to James." Is all I say.

Solar's P.O.V.

As I run, I keep a close eye on my surroundings. It seems they haven't found me yet. Good. It had been a while since I was told to flee. How much time has passed since then..? I shake my head. Now's not the time, focus. You're no good to them if you're caught. With that thought, I keep running, trying to come up with a plan as I went. If I can just find Penny, maybe she', no that wouldn't work. She doesn't know me. There's no guarantee she'll help.. I silently curse myself. Dammit, why didn't I pay more attention back there? If I had, none of this would've happened!

As I fly around the corner, someone's fist comes in contact with my jaw, sending me flying to the side. I crash into a few metal trashcans to my left. A man walks out of the shadows of the buildings, stopping a few feet in front of me. He had short Brown hair and Green eyes, and had a relatively muscular build. Shortly after, I notice a short woman with a Brown and Blonde Mohawk, retracting her fist. So she's the one who hit me.. "It's over." The man says.

As he says those words, I see three more people coming from either side of me. On my left, there was a tall, muscular woman with Brown hair and Brown eyes. To the back of me, was a tall, yet thin man with a shaved head and Pale eyes. Finally, to my right, stood a Faunus man. He was average height, with Dark Skin, Black hair, and Teal eyes. His Faunus trait was a short Black tail. I look between my attackers, glaring at all of them.

Sighing, I stand up. "What have you done with my companions?" I ask. "They've been arrested and taken to Atlas." The man says. They've taken them to Atlas? I look up at the floating city, before I sigh, and look back to the people before me. "What are their charges?" I ask. "Stealing an Atlesian Airship. Illegally entering Atlesian Airspace. Using their weapons without proper credentials.." The Green eyed man lists off. "And on top of all of that, associating themselves with The White Fang." The short woman says. Hearing that last part, I sigh again. I should've known.. "Though I admit, we did steal an airship, along with smuggling ourselves into this kingdom. However, the man you've arrested is a certified Huntsman. He has the proper credentials. As for The White Fang, there seems to be a misunderstanding." I say. "Doesn't look like it from here." The short woman says annoyed. I sigh and shake my head.

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