The Bigger They Are..

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My eyes widen in shock at what I just witnessed

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My eyes widen in shock at what I just witnessed. He's out of his mind.. The veins on his arms glow Yellow, the dust filling them, along with his eyes. He roars angrily, setting his sights on the young boy, and launching himself at him. Qrow is running in no time, diving into the boy, moving him out of the way, just before the man landed. Qrow grabs his weapon immediately, transforming it to it's scythe form, readying himself for a fight. My eyes widen. Qrow.. I'm snapped out of my thoughts, when someone speaks to my right. "Ozpin is here?" Eyepatch asks, looking towards Qrow and the boy. Raven and Vernal walk to her side, both sheathing their weapons. "Is that a problem?" Raven asks. "I'm not sure, but right now we've got the upper hand, lets not waste it." Eyepatch says, confusing me. What are they planning..? "Leo! Open the path to the Vault!" Eyepatch orders. Vault? Wait, all this chaos is for the damn Relic..?! This makes no sense, if she wanted the Relic, all she had to do was open the Vault, none of this had to happen! 

I try to understand why she went through all this to get there, but fail. I look around at all that has happened, all the fights, all the injuries received. Weiss is dying, Ruby is injured, and for what? A useless Lamp? No Knowledge is worth all this.. As I think this, the sound of stone moving catches my attention. I see the Statue lower into the ground, the top becoming a platform. Vernal and Eyepatch step onto it without hesitation, but Raven looks towards me, opening her mouth like she wanted to say something, but stops herself. She shakes her head and walks back towards Vernal and Eyepatch, joining them on the platform. Raven.. I silently watch as she disappears from view, along with the other two. I sigh and shake my head, fisting my hands at my sides, before turning my back on them. They may be willing to let innocent people die for that, but I'm not. If they want it, they can take it. These people's lives are more important than a damn lamp. With that thought, I look to the large man. 

Lightning courses up and down his arms, as he turns towards Qrow and the boy. The man slams his fist into the ground soon after, forcing the boy to jump back, just as a wave of Lightning shoots outwards from impact. My eyes widen at this. The Dust.. The boy lands on both feet, while Qrow stabs his sword in the ground, as he's shot backwards from the force of the attack. He skids to a halt a few paces away from the boy. He just used it's power! But doesn't that hurt him? How is he able to survive..? I snap out of my thoughts when I notice the man raising both hands over his head, placing his hands together. "Your blood won't be on my hands, it'll be on his." Is all the man says, before launching his combined hands towards the boy. I watch in shock, as Qrow jumps in the way, pushing the boy back, before absorbing the impact of the man's attack with his sword. This sends both the boy and Qrow flying backwards.

They slam to the ground a few feet away, however Qrow quickly gets up and charges at the man, swinging his sword towards him, only for the man to Block with his right arm. Sparks erupt where Qrow's sword comes in contact with the man's skin. He's acting like he's not even bothered by the blade! Is it his Aura or something else..? I struggle with this before shaking my head. Doesn't matter. There's no way Qrow can take him on alone! No matter how skilled he is, he's going to need help.. Every nerve in my body was telling me to help him. But what can I do..? Blood drips from my wound, onto the floor between my feet, reminding me I no longer had an Aura. I look up as Qrow let's out a pained grunt, making me widen my eyes when I see him on the ground. I quickly make my way to his side. "Qrow?" I ask, shaking his shoulders. He doesn't respond, so I check his pulse. He's unconscious. 

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