What Now?

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The cold breeze biting at my skin, signifies we are back to reality. I stand motionless, unable to do or say anything. "Salem can't be killed, you all heard her too right?" Yang asks. I look up, just as they surround the still kneeling Ozpin. Ozpin looks up at them, tears streaming down his face. "There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!" Yang asks angrily. Ozpin opens his mouth, but closes it, and lowers his head once again. Salem...can't be killed.. I struggle with this as they go on. "Professor...what is your plan for defeating Salem?" Ruby asks. I focus all my attention on this question. He must have a plan...right..?


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 "I.." Ozpin says, trailing off. I furrow my brows at this. He sighs in defeat. "I...don't have one." Ozpin says, making my eyes narrow. Before anyone could react, Qrow punches Ozpin in the face, sending him slamming into a tree a couple feet away. I tune them out as they begin to argue amongst themselves, not looking towards the boy who was just punched, and look at my hands. Then this mission of getting the Lamp to Atlas.. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear someone speak. "What are we going to do now?" Blake asks the others worriedly. The cold wind howls, reminding me where we were. I look around at our surroundings. This is no place to be having a mental breakdown. We're stranded in the wilderness, with no food or shelter. On top of that, we don't know what else lurks in these trees. I need to find my weapon. With that thought, I clench my hands into fists, and walk away, without saying a word.

It was somewhere around here.. I look around, trying to find the place I had awoken. A slight imprint in the snow a few feet away, catches my attention. I walk over to it, but still don't find my weapon. It couldn't have gone far.. Scanning my surroundings, I catch a faint glint of something out of the corner of my eye, as I move my head. Looking in that direction again, I see one of my blades sticking out of the ground, the other resting nearby. There you are. I quickly retrieve my blades, wiping off the snow, before sheathing them. "ENOUGH!!" The sound of Maria yelling, catches my attention. Due to being so far away, I'm unable to hear anything else. We can't stay here, with all the negativity in the air, the Grimm are bound to attack. Not only that, but the wind has picked up. There's a storm coming

I look towards the treeline, before I look back towards the others. Arguing will get us nowhere, we need to find shelter. With that thought, I make my way towards the left, noticing a trail leading deeper into the trees. "S-Solar! Wait!" Ruby calls out suddenly, making me stop, before sighing, and glancing over my shoulder slightly. Seeing her running after me, I turn towards her fully. She reaches me soon after, before she puts her hands on her knees, catching her breath. I raise a brow as I look down at her. "You can't...just run off on your own...it's dangerous.." She says between breaths. "I know." I say plainly. But someone has to do it. This confuses her and she looks up at me. 

I scan our surroundings for any dangers. "But someone had to find us shelter, and with the way you all were arguing amongst yourselves, I didn't think any of you would." I say honestly. Ruby averts her eyes at this almost ashamed of herself. "Though I understand how you are feeling, we are not safe here." I say calmly. "We cannot let our emotions get the best of us. If we do, we are just asking for more Grimm attacks." I say as the wind howls around us more, reminding me about yet another problem. "On top of that, there is a storm coming and it will be dark soon. I do not know about the rest of you, but I would prefer not to freeze to death." I say. "And here I was, thinking I was the only one thinking clearly." The voice of Maria says, catching our attention. 

We both look, seeing her and the others walking up to us. "Glad to see there's another voice of reason in our little group." She says, stopping, and looking up towards me with a smile. I simply nod to her. "Judging by the direction you were heading, you must have seen the trail over there too." Maria says. I nod again. "Then let's salvage what we can of the crash, and get a move on." She finishes. I suppose looking for supplies would be useful. I just hope it won't take too much time.. With that thought, I nod in agreement, and we set off.

I stop at a piece of metal from the train, noticing something underneath. There's a crate under here, there might be something inside. I try to lift the metal but can't get it to budge. It's too heavy to move myself.. I look around, before movement catches my attention. Qrow was a few feet away, taking a drink of his flask. Well, he's certainly not busy.. "Qrow." I call out, standing up. He looks in my direction. "If you are not busy, would you mind helping me with this?" I ask. He sighs, puts his flask away, and walks to my side. We start to lift. It doesn't budge at first, but after a few tries, we manage to get it out of the way. For a few seconds, we focus on catching our breath. Once we did, Qrow breaks the lock on the crate with the help of Harbinger. Opening the crate, we peer inside. A couple bottles of whiskey were neatly packed within a couple layers of cloth. All that, just for two bottles of alcohol. I sigh before looking to Qrow. "Well, I suppose I did say drinks were on me tonight.." I say.

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