Behind Her Mask

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Everyone except Ozpin was waiting. Once we came into view, they all look towards us. Qrow sits down on a chair next to where I stood. Everyone is silent, staring at us. "Well, I'm sure you all have questions." Qrow says, breaking the silence. They all look between one another. "You said she's your best friend." Ruby speaks. "Yeah, yeah I did." Qrow says. "But...if she's your best friend, then shouldn't you have known who she was?" Ruby asks. Qrow sighs. "Under normal circumstances yes." He says. "What, do you mean?" She asks. Qrow takes another drink of his flask. I narrow my eyes at this, but remain silent. "Well, as you all know, I left the Tribe a long time ago." He says. "15 years ago, to be exact." I say. "Yeah." He says. "So what, that doesn't explain why you didn't remember her." Yang says. "I was getting to that Firecracker." He says. Yang crosses her arms over her chest expectantly. 

"Raven and I still kept in contact, but only once in a while." He says, sighing. "A few weeks after I left the Tribe, Raven contacted me out of the Blue, said she had to tell me something important." He continues, drinking again. "We met up in a clearing on the edge of town. There, she told me Solar had been killed by some Huntsmen. She said the Huntsmen came after the Tribe, and also told me that Solar died saving her life." Qrow explains. So that's what she told him. It wasn't exactly a lie. "Okay, but that doesn't explain why this one didn't find you. I know if it were me, and I found out my friend was leaving, I'd go with them if I could." Yang says, earning a sad look from Blake. Something tells me that remark has nothing to do with me. But, if it does, then I should clarify. "And I would've. But what Raven said wasn't a complete lie." I speak up. 

"There was a Huntsman, and I did save Raven's life. In fact, I almost died." I explain. "I pushed her out of the way of the Huntsman's attack, and in doing so, I was hurt instead. The wound would've been fatal, if the Huntsman wasn't a healer, similar to Jaune." I say. "Raven held a blade to his throat, and forced him to heal me." I explain. "His Aura broke before he could heal me completely however, and he escaped once his team showed up. I was unable to leave my tent for almost a week." I say. "And unfortunately, when I was able to leave, Raven found me, and told me Qrow had been killed. She said their reason for joining the academy had been found out, and Qrow had paid for it with his life." I finish. "Well, that wasn't a complete lie either. Oz did find out our reason for joining, but that was it." Qrow says. 

"Why would she lie about that? What did she gain from it?" Ruby asks. "Raven was always jealous of Qrow. Of our friendship. She knew if I had found out he left, I would've followed." I say. "Raven couldn't have that, Solar was far too valuable an asset to lose." Qrow adds. "What do you mean?" Ruby asks. "My Semblance." I say. "Your Semblance?" She asks. I nod. "What about it?" Yang asks. "Let's just say, there's a reason she was Raven's Lead Scout." Qrow says. "Anyways, that's why I didn't recognize her." Qrow says, once again drinking. "Okay but, that still doesn't tell us why we should trust her." Yang says. "We aren't telling you to do anything." I say, catching their attention. "I can't tell you who to trust. I know I can trust her, because I know the kind of person she is. You kids don't." Qrow says. "Now, I've asked her to help us, and she's agreed. You all can make your own decisions on her, while we travel." He says. "All I'm asking, is that you give Solar a chance." He finishes. They all exchange glances. 

"I will do all I can to help, whether you trust me or not." I clarify. "But, just so you get an idea of the type of person I am, allow me to say this. Trust, in and of itself, is very important to me. Qrow has given me this Trust, and that is something I hold very dear to me. So I hope you believe me, when I say I won't do anything that will harm his trust." I say seriously. They're silent for a while. "My mom trusted you, look where that got her." Yang says. I look to Yang. Does she really believe Raven trusted me? "No she didn't." Qrow cuts in. "What?" She asks, taken back by this. "If she had trusted her, she wouldn't have lied about me dying." He says. This seems to register in Yang's mind, and she goes silent. "You may think what you wish." I say. There is nothing we can say, that will make them trust me. They must learn to trust me, only by getting to know me, just as I must get to know them, before I can trust them. I look to Qrow, who looks to me. It would be a long time before they trusted me, but it was clear from his face, that they would welcome me, even if just a small bit.

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