To Argus

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Once we reached the station, Qrow and I leave to send the letter he wrote to the General, along with buying the tickets for everyone, giving the others time to say goodbye to their friends. As we're returning from retrieving the train tickets however, we notice two men talking to Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and the boys, including Ozpin's vessel, now known as Oscar. I narrow my eyes at them, hearing their talk of giving extra protection for an additional fee. Scavengers.. "Friends of yours?" I ask, seeing how the men were getting closer to the kids. "No." He says, annoyed at the men. "In that case, we'll need something to chase them off." I say, earning a confused look from him. I look around for anything useful. As I do, my eyes land on the end of the train, where I notice keys still in the lock. I smirk and nudge Qrow, motioning towards it. He doesn't see it at first, but when he does, he smirks. "Think you can take care of that?" He asks. I smirk and nod, before I make my way into the crowd of people. Qrow heads towards the others.

Once I reach the end of the train, I quickly unlock it, open the doors, and walk back towards the others. As I reach them, one of the men get annoyed at Qrow and growls. "Hey watch it you're talking to a--" Qrow cuts them off. "A Professional Huntsman, right.." Qrow says, showing his badge, noticing me behind the men. I nod at him with a smirk, which tells him it's done. He smirks back and looks at the two men once more. "Well it seems like one of you heroes left the staff entrance to the caboose wide open." Qrow says crossing his arms over his chest lazily.
The men flinch and quickly look to the caboose, seeing it open just as Qrow said. "Be a shame to lose your job before it even started." Qrow says smugly. "You.." The man with the Mace says, looking to the Gun guy. "What?! I-I didn't do it!" The man holding the gun says defensively. The Mace guy sighs. "Alright then prove it, where's your keys?" Mace guy asks. "They're right--" The Gun guy says, reaching into his pocket and freezes. 

"Well, where are they?" Mace guy asks waiting. The Gun guy looks to the Mace guy worriedly. "I-I don't have them.." He says panicking. "What?! You mean you lost them??" Mace guy asks shocked. "I-I could've swore I.." Gun guy trails off. I smirk at this. "Gentlemen, I couldn't help but overhear, did you say you lost your keys?" I ask, catching the men's attention. "As it turns out, I found keys not that long ago, could they be yours, by any chance..?" I ask with a smirk as I dangle the keys off my pointer finger. Both men look at me in shock, along with the others. After a few seconds of staring, the Mace guy snaps out of it, and elbows the Gun guy in the gut, snapping him out of it too. "Ow! Oh uh...yes, thank you!" The Gun guy says, as I hand the keys over. "I'd be more careful next time, there are not as many decent folk around anymore. Who knows what could've happened." I say. "Y-Yeah, of course. We'll be more careful." Mace guy says, before they leave. As they did however, I hear the one call the other holding the keys a dummy. This brings a smirk to my face. 

"Nicely done Uncle Qrow!" Yang says proudly. Qrow chuckles before shaking his head. "Don't thank me, Solar's the one who noticed the keys in the lock." Qrow says, smirking at me, along with Ruby and most of the others. "She...did..?" Yang asks, looking towards me. She's shocked at first, but gives a smile and a nod to me after a few seconds. I simply nod back. "You know, sometimes the burden of saving the world feels overwhelming, but then, people like that come along, and make me grateful that it's our job, and not theirs." Oscar speaks up suddenly. They all agree on this and smile. They get along well it seems.. I look at their exchange before clearing my throat. "I apologize for cutting in, but the train will be boarding soon. I suggest we ready ourselves." I say. Qrow smirks at this and chuckles quietly. "Well, you heard her. You kids ready to go?" Qrow asks them. They all nod. "Bike all loaded up and ready to go?" He asks Yang. She nods again with a smile. "Yup!" She says. "Just waiting on Blake, as usual." Weiss says, holding her briefcase, and motioning to the upper level of the station. 

"She won't be long, but while we wait.." Yang trails off, before trying to grab the gift bag Ruby held, which results in a game of tug of war. So carefree.. I shake my head, a small smirk playing on the corner of my lips, before looking towards Qrow. "Do you think the letter will reach him?" I ask seriously. He thinks about this before sighing. "We can hope. But just to be sure, I didn't write anything risky." He says. I nod to him. "Good thinking." I say before the sound of footsteps approach. We look, seeing Blake walking back to us. "Great, the gang's all here. Now all we need is--" Yang is cut off by the train whistle, signifying the train was ready to board. "Alright, let's hop to it!" Nora says excitedly. We all nod and make our way to the train.

A day later..

I stare out the window in awe, hand on the cool glass, as I stood. I've...never seen this side of Remnant before.. The mountain view was amazing, along with the snow covered forest surrounding it. I can't believe I missed out on so much, all these years.. A twinge of sadness about not leaving the Tribe sooner, rises in my chest, but I push it away. Doesn't matter, I'm here now.. It had been a day since we left Mistral. It doesn't feel like a day has passed at all.. As I thought that, I notice movement within the trees. A pack of wolves were running through the forest below. I watch them go, a couple looking up towards the mountain, at us. One in particular stops, the rest following suit. This one, seems to make eye contact with me.

I stare back at it, a gentle smile crosses my face, as a feeling of familiarity rises in the back of my mind

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I stare back at it, a gentle smile crosses my face, as a feeling of familiarity rises in the back of my mind. But this exchange lasts only for a moment, and soon I watch it disappear with it's pack further into the forest. "See anything interesting?" Qrow's voice asks suddenly, snatching my attention from the window. "You could say that.." I say with a smile, turning towards him, as he enters the train cabin we had been assigned. "Any news?" I ask, walking back to my bed. "Just got done talking with our new Huntsmen friends. According to them, there's no Grimm sightings, no ice on the tracks, all in all, it looks like it'll be a smooth ride to Argus." He says. "Should we believe them?" I ask. He chuckles. "I figured you'd say that, so I took it upon myself to check things out. Now being inside the train did limit things a bit, but from what I could tell, it's safe." He says. He knows me so well, even after all these years.. I let out a relieved sigh and smile. "Good." I say. He nods with a smirk, before glancing out the door. "Anyway, I'm about to get a drink, figured I'd ask if you wanted anything." He says. "A water please, if you wouldn't mind that is." I say. He nods. "You got it, be back in a bit." He says, leaving the cabin once more. Due to my appearance, I decided it was best to stay inside our cabin, to avoid any unnecessary conflict. When we were boarding the train, there were quite a few uneasy glances directed at me. Just like with the waitress, the night Raven met with Qrow.. I sigh and lay back onto my bed.

After a few minutes, I decide to look out the window some more, and stand up. But just as I do, something slams into the train, making it shake violently, and forces me to lose my balance. I quickly grab ahold of the wall, steadying myself. What the hell..? Just as I think that, screams are heard, making my Gold eyes widen. Qrow..! I quickly grab mine and Qrow's weapons, and leave the cabin behind.

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