The Plan

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I stare up at one of the many pine trees around me. This should do the trick.. With that thought, I jump up, latching onto a low tree branch with my hands, and pull myself up the rest of the way. Once atop the branch, I continue to climb, until I'm on one of the highest branches. Being so high up, I had a clear view of Jaune and his team, along with the others. "Solar, you ready?" Qrow's voice speaks through the earpiece. "I'm in position. From the tree I'm in, I have a clear view of everyone." I reply, touching the earpiece. "How far did you go?" Qrow asks, as I see him looking around. He must want to make sure I'm someplace safe.. 

With a quiet sigh, I let out a quick whistle. Hearing this, they all look around. "Behind you, to the right." I say. Ruby is the first to see me, and points me out to Qrow. "Will you be alright?" He asks, sounding a bit worried, as he looks to me. "I will be fine, I am not the one you should be worried about." I reply, knowing he probably wanted me further back. "Just stay hidden, alright?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest, and shaking his head. "I will do what I must." I say. "Alright, everybody get ready." Ruby speaks finally, holding up her hand. "Understood." I say with a nod, before readying myself.

"Now!" She yells. The moment she drops her hand, the scout takes off. Ruby uses her Semblance to launch upwards in a spiral of Red Rose Petals, while Qrow turns into his secondary form, and flies up with her. Jaune, Nora, and Ren run to the right, while Maria, and Oscar fly the airship towards the left. Just as Ruby gets high enough, she shoots at the glass of Cordovan's robot, before dropping down. Angered by this, Cordovan launches six missiles towards her, in which Ruby uses her Semblance to evade them, before dropping off the cliff. That must be where Weiss comes in. Alright, our turn. Focusing back on my own task, I take a deep breath, before closing my eyes. After a few moments, my access is granted.

Opening my eyes, I find myself in the sky, looking down on the robot, and the others. There was ice on the water where Ruby had dropped, telling me my assumption about Weiss was correct. It seems Dust is a lot more useful than I thought. Perhaps I should've invested in some back in the tribe. No matter, I must focus. With those thoughts, I focus back on Cordovan. Let's see what we can find.. The scout and I continue to observe, staying out of sight.

As we kept watch, I notice Nora shooting a few grenades towards Cordovan, distracting her from the others. As they reach Cordo however, Cordovan blocks them with the other hand of the robot, Blue Light appearing on the hand. What is that..? "Surely you knew Atlas was the father of Hard-Light Dust..?" Cordo asks, while laughing ignorantly. Hard-Light Dust..? "Or do lesser kingdoms simply lack proper education.." Cordo mocks, before readying her cannon arm. Seeing it begin to rotate, I immediately begin to worry. What do I do? Let them handle it or..? I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Qrow flying in front of me, and shaking his feathered head. I glance towards Jaune and them, who had taken cover behind large rocks. I suppose he's right, I cannot give away my position just yet. As I thought this, I see them run the opposite way, still smiling as they dodge the Earth Dust Cordo shot. They seem like they are handling things well enough. I'll let them be for now. With that thought, I look back to Qrow, who hovered before me. Giving a nod of understanding, I fly the opposite direction of them. Satisfied with my choice, I see he focuses back on Cordo as well.

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