The Struggle

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After stepping out of the trees, I see Jaune and his team hiding behind rock formations. Noticing me coming out of the trees, Jaune gives me a questioning look when he sees all the tears in my armor. "Not the time." I say. He nods in understanding. "Where do you need me?" I ask, focusing on the situation at hand. "Up close and personal, remember?" He asks me, repeating Qrow's words. Though I do not believe my blades will work very well against this robot.. "I will do what I can." I say with a nod. Afterall, my previous mission is already finished. I just hope I can help with this.. Looking to Jaune once more, he nods back, before looking to his team mates. "Ready?" He asks. We all nod. "Go!" He says, before running towards the robot. Nora and Ren follow after him, with me not far behind.

As Cordo tries to sit up again, she places her robot's arm atop the cliff, to steady herself. Seeing this, Jaune looks to Ren and I. Seeing his face, Ren nods, before motioning me to follow. We run up the Robot's arm. Once to the shoulder, I see Ren dig his blades within the metal robot, to secure himself. If Ren's weapons can puncture the metal, perhaps mine will to. With that thought, I unsheathe my blades, and lunge at the metal. Sure enough, my blade punctures it. This metal is not as tough as I thought. Perhaps I can be of use afterall.. Smirking to myself, I watch as Nora and Jaune attack the robot from behind. Nora slams her weapon into the other arm, right before Cordo begins to raise up off the cliff side, taking Ren and I for a ride. I hold tightly to my blades, as the robot creaks and shakes.

Once the robot is standing upright, I see Cordo notice Ruby hanging above the glass. My eyes widen. Ruby..! Seeing this, Ruby waves at Cordo awkwardly, knowing she was caught. "Get off of me!!" Cordo yells annoyed, before knocking her off the robot's face. Ruby screams as she falls. "Ruby!!" I yell worried. I see my scout dodging Cordo's other arm, as it attempts to go after Ruby. However, by the time it got away from Cordo, Ruby was too far to reach. However, just as Ruby would've hit the water, Weiss swoops in on her Lancer, catching her. I breath a sigh of relief. "Come on!" Ren yells, smacking my arm, snapping me out of it. Nodding, him and I make our way over to the Robot's back, still unnoticed by Cordo.

Once there, Ren notices a strange looking area in the robot's back. "There!" He says pointing. He and I make our way over to it soon after. We both jam a blade into the seem of it, trying to pry the cover open, so we can reach the area inside. Sadly, the cover proves harder to open than we expected, forcing us to put all the strength we can into prying it open. However, after a few seconds, the cover pops open too fast, and we have no time to catch ourselves. Due to the cover opening so abruptly, we fall backwards from the force. Ren yells in shock, while I widen my eyes, mouth open in a silent scream as we descend. Just as we begin to lose all hope, Ren's wrist is grabbed, quickly stopping him from falling. "Solar!" I hear Ren yell, before catching my wrist quickly, just as I fell by him. Who caught us? I look up curiously, and to my surprise, I see Qrow. My eyes widen in shock. Qrow! His teeth were clenched from the strain, his arm shaking. "Gotcha!" He says. We both smile up at him in relief. With that, Qrow uses all the strength he can to lift us up.

Once close enough, Ren grabs ahold of a part of the robot. "What'd you find?" Qrow asks Ren, letting go of his wrist, and reaching out towards me. Seeing this, I quickly reach my hand out towards him. Once attached, Ren and Qrow raise me back up. Once up, Qrow helps me grab ahold of the robot, so they can let me go. Once we caught our breaths, and retrieved our weapons, Ren and I look to him. "See for yourself." I say, before both Ren and I point inside the area he and I opened. There, he saw it. The shield generator we had been searching for. We all exchange a glance, before smiling. "I trust you two can handle what's next?" I ask, as I climb higher, getting out of their way. Once I was clear, they shoot at the generator. It explodes soon after. A series of beeps find our ears, as what remained of the shield faded away.

"No, no, no, no!!" Cordo yells in a mix of shock and anger. Nora takes advantage of the situation, and shoots at her again, no longer stopped by the shield. "You get back here with my man!!" Nora yells loudly, shooting at Cordo again. "Her man..?" I ask confused. Qrow shrugs, and smirks at me. "Kids." Is all he says, before Weiss and Ruby come to us still on the Lancer, waving us over. "Jump on!" Weiss says. Exchanging a glance, the three of us nod, before jumping onto the Lancer. Weiss steers us away soon after.

We hover in the air, a few feet away from Nora and Jaune. Nora continued to shoot at her with her grenades. Movement from the corner of my eye, catches my attention, and I quickly look towards her. "I've had enough of you!" Cordo says annoyed, watching Nora reload her weapon. My eyes widen when I see Cordo readying herself to slap Nora with the robot's hand. Before anyone could stop me, I jump off the Lancer. "Solar!" Qrow calls after me, trying to grab my wrist, but failing. Ignoring this, I let out a shrill whistle, which brings my scout to my position in a matter of seconds. It dives, catching me on its back, before quickly flying us towards my destination. Jaune realizes the situation, and starts sprinting towards Nora. Seeing this I tell the scout to speed up. Just as Nora and Jaune are about to get hit, the scout and I dive, making it in front of them, just as the hand makes contact.

We shield Jaune and Nora with our bodies. The scout wraps it's transparent Gold wings around the kids and I, while I hold the kids to me tightly, bracing for impact. As soon as the hand makes contact, the scout let's out a cry, before it disintegrates into Gold particles, leaving me to take the rest of the attack's force. The kids and I go flying. The three of us crash through one of the rock formations made by Cordo's cannon. This breaks my hold on them immediately. Jaune slams into a boulder behind him, before falling to the ground, while Nora and I slam to the ground, and roll to a stop a few inches away from Jaune. Our Auras flicker, as we lay on the ground.

Hearing a groan to my right, I blink a couple times, clearing the blurriness from my vision, before opening my eyes fully. "Nora...are you alright..?" I mumble groggily. Nora raises herself to a kneeling position, groaning, as she tries to gather her bearings. I see her nod slowly, as she rubs her head. Hearing another groan, I look to Jaune, who attempts to raise up, only to fall back down. "Jaune..?" I ask concerned. He doesn't respond, his head laying on the ground between his arms.

Seeing he doesn't respond, worry creeps into my chest. "No!" I hear Ren's worried yell, a few feet away, still atop the Lancer. I attempt to raise myself, only to fall back down again. Dammit...Jaune...I have to.. I try to raise again, more determined. Though my arms trembled from the stress, I finally manage to raise up to my hands and knees, and slowly crawl over to him. Reaching him, I shake his shoulder plate. "Jaune..? Jaune..!" I say loudly, shaking more violently. This manages to bring out a slight response. Jaune groans weakly.

However, before I can say or do anything, I hear screams from the others a few feet away. I quickly look up, just in time to see the Lancer disintegrate, and Qrow and the others falling. Ren, Qrow, and Weiss manage to slam onto the ground atop the cliff, but Ruby does not get so lucky. Even with her Semblance, she comes a few inches short of the cliff side. Qrow reaches out to her, but is unable to catch her, and has to watch, as she plummets towards the water below. "Ruby.." I whisper in concern, before another groan from Jaune catches my attention. Please be okay.. I silently hope, before I look down to Jaune.

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