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Solar's P.O.V.

I sigh in defeat. "Very well.." I say, before taking my seat once again. After taking a deep breath, I speak. "When I was yo--" I'm cut off by the sound of a scroll going off. Yang's eyes widen at the sound, and quickly reaches into her pocket. Pulling out her scroll, she opens it, seeing Ruby's icon on the screen. "It's Ruby...probably wondering where we are.." Yang says, looking to Blake. "It is rather late...perhaps it is best we leave it here for the night.." I say. "But..!" Blake goes to protest, but stops once the door opens behind them, revealing Qrow. He stops in his tracks, once he sees Blake and Yang. Looking between the three of us, he gives me a questioning look, right before noticing my expression. His eyes widen, almost like he knew what was happening. "Oh...I'm just gonna.." he trails off once he sees me stand back up. "No need. We...were just finishing up." I say, before looking to the two girls. "We will talk later." I say, giving them an apologetic smile. They nod in understanding and stand, before saying goodnight to both Qrow and myself.

Once they were gone, Qrow sighs, and looks to me. "So...did the three of you finally call a truce, or was that a declaration of war?" He asks, closing the door once he's inside. So, he isn't going to really ask.. I sigh in relief, shake my head, and laugh softly. "Do not worry, we've...come to an understanding of sorts." I say with a thankful smile. He chuckles and places his weapon against his bottom bunk. He lets out a relieved sigh. "Good, you three had me worried." He says, and climbs up onto his bed. "So, how did it go on your end?" I ask, leaning against the bed's base, looking up at him. "James said he'd do what he can. With everything going on with Amity, he doesn't have too many troops to spare, but he promised he'd try his best." Qrow explains. "I see.." I say, trailing off with a sigh. I do not know what I was expecting honestly.. "I suppose it cannot be helped. Amity is very important to the plan. If we cannot get it up and running, who knows what might happen.." I say. Salem is not going to hide forever. When she comes, we must be ready...All of us.. With that thought, I climb up onto my own bed. Staring up at the ceiling, the events of today replay in my head. To think so much could happen within a single day...From Yang and Blake to..

My eyes narrow in sadness at the image in my head

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My eyes narrow in sadness at the image in my head. Mother.. I clench my jaw and cover my eyes with my arm. Of all the times t-- "Hey, Solar?" Qrow's voice finds my ears and snaps me out of my thoughts. "Hm? What is it?" I ask. "James said the kids start training with the Aces tomorrow." He says. "Is that so?" I ask. "Yeah, says they need a little tuning." He says, chuckling to himself. "Well, I suppose practice does have it's uses. Capable as they may be, there is always room for improvement." I say. "True enough." He says. After a few moments of silence, he speaks again. "Hey, when was the last time you and I sparred?" Qrow asks suddenly, making my eyes widen. Recovering from the surprise, I try to remember. The last time we sparred.. A brief image of Qrow waving goodbye with a wink and a smirk comes to mind. 'Take care of yourself Solar. Next time I visit, I'm taking you with me. So be ready.' I sigh at the memory. That was the last time I saw him. Raven was the only one to return the next time.. "The last time you visited the tribe, before your 'death'." I say.

"That long huh?" He asks. "That long." I say with a nod. We're silent for a few moments. Qrow is the first to speak again. "Well, we can't have that. What do you say to you and I having a sparring match of our own tomorrow, once the kids are done with their's?" He asks. This surprises me, and I lean out off the bed, looking towards him. "Are you sure?" I ask. He looks over to me with a smirk, and a nod. "Though I have to warn you, if we do spar, you are going to lose." He says teasingly. I raise a brow. "Oh? What makes you so certain?" I ask, a smirk of my own. "Well, it's obvious. Afterall, I did teach you everything you know.." he says with a shrug. I scoff. "Not everything." I say. It was his turn to raise a brow. "That so?" He asks amused. I smirk, narrowing my eyes slightly. "Of course." I say. He chuckles. "Well if that's the case, why don't you show me what you've learned?" He asks amused. "If you insist." I say with an amused smirk of my own. "Tomorrow it is then." He says. "Better get some rest. You'll need it." He says. I laugh quietly at this. "Funny, I was going to say the same thing." I say, before giving him a final smirk, and laying back down.

Author's Note- sorry about the short chapter, next chapter will be longer, I promise! Also I apologize about the slow updates, I've been spending most of the time going through everything I think might happen in Vol. 9+, and writing down scenes for every possibility :) Plus wanted to focus on other story, since when I started this, I kind of neglected it lol anyways, hope you're enjoying the story :)

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