From The Deep

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Giving Ruby her weapon, I hear the sound of the airship starting up, and look towards the still crashed ship. "Right on time." I say to myself, before seeing the ship hover over the ground. "No! No, no, no! You! You're never getting to Atlas, do you hear me?! NEVER!!" Cordo squawks, catching our attention. "All forces, converge on my position and eliminate these pests at once!!" Cordo orders over her communicative device.

"Everyone on board, we're making a run for it!" Maria yells towards us. We all exchange glances. "What about Yang and Blake?!" Jaune asks worried. Just after Jaune asks this, a distant roar catches my attention, and I immediately turn on my heel, looking towards Argus. Was that..? The reply from Argus' military is drown out, once I see a large Black mass closing in on Argus from the water's depths, along with smaller dots covering the skies around Argus. My eyes widen. Grimm..

Ruby and the others walk to the cliff's edge, seeing what I see. I look towards Ruby and the others in worry. "It's a Leviathan! It began it's approach during your battle. We need you!!" The voice from the device catches my attention. The words 'We need you!' echoes within my mind, over and over. Did we...just destroy the only thing that could protect Argus..? With this thought, Guilt rises within my chest. "This is your fault! Do you hear me?!" Cordovan screams at us. "Ruby!" A familiar voice from behind us, catches our attention, and I see them all look back.

Following this, I turn, seeing Yang and Blake run up to us. Thank goodness, they're safe. I sigh in relief, before a small smile finds my lips. Ruby meets them half way. "Yang! Blake! Are you okay?" Ruby asks them worried. They don't answer, and something about the way they carried themselves catches my attention. I silently look them over.

Something's...different about them.. They stop once they see the robot, eyes widening. "What happened..?" Blake asks. I notice the blade marks against Yang's metal arm. Those...were not there before.. Blake's broken weapon, is the next thing I see. They were in a fight recently...but with who..? As they wandered closer to us, I notice something else, which has my eyes widening, before narrowing in concern. Don't tell me..

I shake my head, refusing to let my thoughts get ahead of themselves. Such thoughts...I mustn't jump to conclusions. I lecture myself for thinking such things, and look back towards Cordo. Focus Solar! This is no time to let your mind wander. Even as I think this, I find myself sighing, and can't help but glance back at the two girls. Even so...these worries will not leave my mind.. I sigh. I sincerely hope these children never have to make such a choice. To carry such a burden.. I shake my head again and focus back on the problem at hand.

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