The Spider's Web

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After a few moments, the girls speak again. "So, that's our story.." Yang says. I nod silently, before sighing, and shaking my head solemnly. "There's been nightmares ever since.." Blake says, ears back. I nod in understanding. "Yes, the nightmares are...very first.." I explain, eyes narrowing in remembrance. I intertwine my fingers together, touching my chin to them. After a few seconds, I separate them, and raise myself from the table with a sigh. "But thankfully, although persistent, they can be dealt with relatively quickly." I add. "Really?" They ask, looking up at me, eyes full of hope. I nod my head. "It will not be overnight mind you...there is still a few things that need adressing, but.." I trail off, once I see their faces fall. "Do not worry, it will not be too difficult. You have already come further than most, even though it has only been a mere 4 days. There are some who take much longer." I say. Take me for example..

" long did it take you..?" Blakes words snap me out of my thoughts immediately, making my eyes widen, and my body go stiff. I look to them in shock. "I-If you don't mind me asking that is.." Blake says, clearly noticing how I reacted. For a few seconds, I'm silent, but eventually I recover. Sighing, I speak. "It...took me two weeks, before I was finally able to rid myself of them.." I admit, making their eyes widen. "Although...I suspect that was because of my own stubbornness.." I say, smiling ruefully, as I remember the day I finally spoke about it. "Had I spoken to your uncle sooner, like he wished...I am certain it would have been different.." I say, with a nod. "Why didn't you..?" Yang asks. "I.." I trail off, averting my gaze. "Back then...alot had happened.." I trail off. "Like...what..?" Blake asks. My eyes widen, and I sigh, averting my gaze. "It is...a long story.." I say, hugging my arms to myself. "Oh.." Blake says, looking down. It was clear that she wanted more. Both of them did. As I thought...they are asking what happened.. I dig my nails into the backs of my arms. speak about That.. I feel my hands begin to tremble, and can't help but dig further into my arms.

After being silent for quite a few moments, and wrestling with myself, Ozpin's words, from back in Mistral, resurface within my mind. I...cannot hope to encourage them to continue to trust me, if I myself refuse to trust them.. This realization, hits me full force, and my grip slowly losens, before my arms eventually fall to my sides. Sighing in defeat, I finally speak. "In order...for you to understand...I...will have to start...from the beginning.." I say, catching their attention. Once I had it, I continue. " wish to know..?" I ask, meeting their gazes. "My story.." I trail off, feeling my hand shake once more. Taking a deep breath, I fist my hand, to stop the trembling. " not easy to hear.." I say. Hearing these words, their eyes widen, before they look to eachother. For a few moments, they continue, without saying a word. But, after a while, they come to a decision,  and look back to me. "We're sure." They say.

Third Person's P.O.V.

A few days prior..

"Are you sure these people will lead me to Her?" The sharp eyed man asks the Blonde woman wearing Purple. She smirks and takes out a piece of paper from her top. "Darlin' you paid me to find this woman, and my Spiders have found you a lead. They know better than to lie to me." The Blonde says, sliding the piece of paper over to the man. "These people's description was right on point. Down to the last inch." She says, before leaning back on her chair. The man snatches the piece of paper, and reads it. An address and two names were written on it. Closing the folded paper, he stands. "It better be, for their sake...and yours." Is all the man says, before leaving the tavern behind.

After reaching the meeting point, the man stops, looking around, before knocking at the door to a small, run down shack

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After reaching the meeting point, the man stops, looking around, before knocking at the door to a small, run down shack. After a few moments, the door opens, revealing a short woman with Brown and Pink hair. The man looks down at her. "You the one I'm talking to?" He asks, glaring down at her. The woman doesn't answer, just rolls her eyes, and steps aside, revealing yet another woman further in. She had short Black hair, and an eyepatch. "So, you're the one asking about That Woman." The Black haired woman asks with a smirk. The man narrows his eyes into a glare. "Well, aren't you lucky. I saw an exact copy of the woman you seek. So, what do you say we skip the pleasantries and get right into it?" The woman asks, her Gold eye glowing.

Present time

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Present time..

"This is your plan to get us into Atlas? Hate to break it to you sweatheart, but Atlas shut its borders a few months back." The man says, crossing his arms over his chest. The Black haired woman, now known to him as Cinder, shoots fire at the ground, right between his legs, startling him. "Call me that again, I dare you." Cinder says, her Gold eye glowing like fire. He rolls his eyes, and looks away. "As for the way in, we have our ways. Isn't that right, Neo?" Cinder asks with a smirk. Neo rolls her eyes, before placing her hand on the Mistral airship they stole a few days ago. As soon as she makes contact with the ship, it immediately begins to transform, before taking on the appearance of an Atlas ship. The man widens his eyes at what he just witnessed. A smirk grows on his face the more he looks at it. Soon.


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