Lady in The Shoe

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'Is Cordo...piloting that?!" Weiss' worried voice asks. I couldn't bring myself to answer her, I was frozen. My blades will not work against a robot of that size, and I have no long range capabilities besides my Semblance.. I manage to snap out of my shock and look to Qrow and the others in worry. I cannot protect them this time. In this fight...I am completely useless..

As I realize that fact, the sound of electricity catches my attention, just in time to see Weiss and Maria's ship covered in it, as they came towards us. My eyes widen. Weiss, Maria.. Ruby walks into my field of view, eyes narrowed as she watches the ship and the robot close in on us. "It's time you ask yourselves children. Do you truly wish to defy ME?!" Cordo asks over her loud speaker. "Ruby..?" I ask, needing to hear a plan. "Hurry back Weiss. I need you on the ground if we're gonna take this thing down." Ruby says into her earpiece, looking back towards the rest of us, determination clear on her face. Ruby..?

 "You're joking, right? You want to fight this thing?!" Weiss asks shocked. "We've fought giant monsters before. This is just a tiny old lady...with one very big robot." Ruby says. Are they..? I look at the other kids, seeing the same determination Ruby showed. "You little spider roaches thought you could creep your way into Atlas?" Cordo asks. It seems they've made up their minds...but what about..? I glance back to Qrow. As if sensing my gaze, he looks to me. Without saying a word, he gives me a smirk, before nodding with the same determination on his features. My eyes widen even further. Even Qrow..? They all still think we have a chance..?

I blink a few times, before sighing, and shaking my head. My hands begin to shake, and I fist them tightly. If that is the case.. I close my eyes, and take a few calming breaths. Even though it will be dangerous, even though I am limited in my abilities.. I open my eyes, and meet Qrow's gaze once more. "I will follow your lead." I say, nodding back at him. With that said, he and I look back to Cordo.

"Let's see how your resolve holds out against the might of the Atlesian Military!" Cordo finishes, before aiming her cannon arm towards the ship once more, as a second compartment opens up on the cannon. My eyes widen in worry once I realize what it was. They'll never make it out of the way in time! As soon as that thought reaches my mind, the missile is shot at the ship. Weiss..! However, just as I begin to feel panicked, the missile explodes mid air, a few feet behind the ship. What..? How..?

I hear the machined click of a gun beside me, and slowly look to the left, seeing Ruby lower her weapon. Ruby.. I sigh in relief. I should've known.. I shake my head at my foolishness, fighting the smile that wanted to appear on my lips. "So be it!" Cordo says with a growl, before turning her cannon on us. I widen my eyes, taking a step back in fear as I see the cannon begin to revolve, readying a shot. What do we..?! Before I can finish that thought, a shield of Ice and Rock forms before us all, taking the blast from the cannon instead. Seeing this, I immediately look behind us. There, Weiss was holding up her weapon. Weiss.. I sigh in relief and nod at her in thanks for saving all of us. She gives me a smirk and a nod.

"That was close!" Oscar says after a few seconds pass. Ruby turns towards Weiss with a smile, before Weiss walks up to all of us, stopping next to Ruby. "We need to figure out how to stop Cordovan, and protect the airship until we do." Ruby says, looking back at us. "Then let's give her more targets to focus on." Jaune pipes in. "What sort of targets?" I ask. "You mean us don't you." Nora speaks up, not bothering to ask. "Look at that thing, its not designed for small enemies. It's probably meant for giant Grimm that come in from deeper waters." Jaune replies. "Meaning?" I ask. "We can turn our size into an advantage, we just have to be smart." He explains.

I think about this. "I...suppose it could work.." I admit, though not exactly thrilled about it. "What do you think, Ruby?" I ask, wanting her input. She doesn't answer, instead, she places a finger to her earpiece. "Maria, do you think you can keep the ship out of harm's way?" Ruby asks. "They can take my driver's license, but I won't let them take this ship!" Maria replies, earning a sigh from me, as I shake my head. "Very reassuring.." Ren says sarcastically. "I'll be more useful if I go with her. When I'm up high, I can try to spot a weakness." Oscar says. Qrow nudges me, catching my attention. What was that for..? "He's not the only one who can grab a bird's eye view." Qrow says, smirking. Ah, so that's why.. "Very well. Afterall, I have no long range capabilities with my weapons, so I will not be of much help in the fight to come. However, if it is information you seek, I will gladly provide a scout to aid them in finding the robot's weakness." I say.

Ruby smiles at us. I give a small smile, as I look to Qrow, who gives me a nod. With that, I let out a shrill whistle, bringing forth the scout. Holding out my arm, it lands atop it, and tilts it's head in expectance. Giving it a smile, I look back to Ruby. "You said you needed me on the ground?" Weiss asks Ruby in confusion. "Not exactly.." Ruby says with an awkward smile, averting her gaze. As Ruby explains her plan for Weiss, Qrow nudges me again. "Hm? What is it?" I ask, giving him my full attention. "There's not much time left, you should find a safe place away from here. It's not safe enough for you to use the link on the ground." He says. I think about this.

Useful as my Semblance is, it does have a few  drawbacks. If I am to help find a weakness, I will have to use the Visual Link. However, using the Visual Link, leaves me vulnerable. All my senses merge with the scout's, meaning I will not hear, see, or feel anything coming. I could be attacked and I wouldn't even know it. "I suppose you're right.." I say. "But I will not go far. Jaune and his team are still on the ground." I say. He sighs but nods in acceptance. "Go." He says. I nod and turn towards the trees, but stop. "Qrow." I say, glancing over my shoulder. He looks to me. "Be careful. I still have plenty of lectures for you to sit through." I say, earning a chuckle from him. "Wouldn't miss them for the world." He says sarcastically. I shake my head, before making my way into the trees.

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