Creating Solar- Semblance

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Due to Solar being based on Amaterasu, I wanted to give her a Semblance which incorporated the theme. Since Amaterasu is also known as The Goddess of Creation, I chose to make her Semblance about Creation. Not only that, but wolves are mostly Pack Animals, and since Solar is a Wolf Faunus, I wanted her to have a sort of "pack" so a Creation Semblance fit perfectly. Now then, onto the animals.

Wolf: The Protector.

Can only clone itself a limited amount of times, because every time it does, it's own life force is weakened.

Slow. Hard hitter.
Takes more Aura than The Scout. Short-Lived, cannot last as long as The Scout. Is only used for aiding in battle.

Crow/Raven: The Scout.

Weaker than The Protector, attacks aren't as effective.

Cannot clone itself, due to Crows or birds in general being lone hunters.

The Scout takes less Aura to create, and lasts longer than The Protector. It is typically used more for surveillance than battle.

Semblance Conditions:

Solar can only create clones of animals that make eye contact. Anytime a clone dies, Solar loses Aura, so she must be wise about using them. Altering their sizes consumes more Aura.


Clones can only be used once if they're created from a regular animal's likeness.


They had to make eye contact with Solar as Bird forms, the first time they told her (It was Raven's idea to see if it would work). Although the link between them still existed, Qrow had to redo eye contact on the train, due to being gone for so long. The animal copies of Qrow/Raven are kind of like a Kindred Link. If one side resists, the connection is severed. Solar can only use their animal forms if a bond of trust exists between them.

Solar can/could use them as many times as needed, due to the 'Kindred Link' and the bond of trust they share(d). Sadly, when she confronted Raven at Haven, that link between them was destroyed. However, the link between Solar and Qrow remains strong.

About the Clones-

Clones do not feel. They cannot show or understand emotion. But that does not stop Solar from caring about them. (It's why she calls them Little One)

Clone memories only last until they're destroyed. Once resummoned, memory is wiped.

When Solar is in the Visual Link, all her senses transfer to the clone, leaving her body vulnerable. If her body is attacked, she'll never know until she returns to it.

Author's Note: Here's some more info on Solar's Character, hope this answers some of your questions. If you are unsure about something, Creating Solar pt. 1 also explains about her :) Thank you for reading :)

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