The Coward's Fate

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We walk through the halls, checking every room as we go. Still no sign of him.. I open another door. "Are you sure he didn't run?" I ask, closing the door, seeing another empty classroom. I glance to Qrow, who was closing the door across from me. He shakes his head. "He knows it'd be useless, I'd track him down in no time." He says. "Plus with your help, the time would be cut in half." He says. "True." I say walking with him. "What do you think we'll find..?" I ask. He sighs and looks around. "Nothing good." He says, sadness in his voice. I wonder.. "He was your friend, wasn't he." I say. "Yeah, guess he was...once." He says. I nudge him with my shoulder. "Don't let it bother you. He chose to join her, there was nothing you could've done." I say. He sighs. "I know.." He says, taking another drink of his flask. We check a few more doors, before reaching the Headmaster's Office. We stop before the double doors, exchanging a glance. "You ready?" He asks, taking out Harbinger. "I feel like I should be asking you." I say, unsheathing one of my blades. Qrow tries the handles, but is unable to open them. "Locked." He says. "Perhaps we should knock?" I ask, giving him a look. He smirks, knowing what I meant, and steps back. "Ladies first." He says. 

I smirk before landing a powerful side kick to the doors, bursting them open. One door flying off the hinges due to the hit. Soon, the sound of clicking catches our attention. Qrow pulls me back to him quickly. "Seer Grimm." Qrow says quietly, so only I can hear. "Seer Grimm? Never heard of it." I say equally quiet. "I'll explain later, for now, all you need to know is we have to kill it." He says. "Well, if that's the case.." Is all I say before the new Grimm appears from behind a bookshelf. Without a second thought, I launch one of my blades through the air. It pierces the round glowing Red and Black orb, making it fall to the ground. The sound it makes when it hits, sounded like a marble. Black smoke rises from the crack in the orb, where my blade had stuck, and Qrow quickly backs us up. Soon after, an image appears. My eyes widen, when I recognize the image. Salem.. 

"Hello Ozpin. If you are looking for Leonardo, allow me to save you some time. Leonardo isn't here anymore. You see, the coward proved to be useless, and you know what I do, to those who fail me. I hope you do not mind.." The image says, before smirking, and fading away. Qrow and I stare in silence, even after the image disappears, and the Grimm dissolves. "She knew he'd come looking for him.." I say, not bothering to ask. Qrow sighs and walks to the dissolving Grimm, taking my blade out of it's orb. Handing it back to me, he speaks. "Yeah. Yeah she did." He says, taking a drink from his flask. I sheath it once more, after wiping off the Black residue from the Grimm. "I suppose whatever happened to him, lies behind that door.." I say, nodding towards the door the Grimm came from. We exchange a glance, before we sigh, and make our way forward. The moment I open the door, I'm met with the coppery scent of blood. My eyes widen when I see the scene before me. 

The room was dark, so I knew Qrow was unable to see it, but I am not as lucky. Qrow goes to turn on the light, but I stop him immediately. "Don't. I will take care of this, you should report back to Ozpin. I'm sure he's been waiting." I say, not wanting him to see what I could. Being a Faunus was both a blessing, and a curse. I envied Faunus who couldn't see in the dark. Leonardo was once his friend...even if he betrayed him...I know he'd still be hurt if he saw this.. The look Qrow gave me, told me he understood. "Alright.." He says sighing. "Thanks Solar.." He says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod and watch as he walks away. Once he was gone, I get to work.

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