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We wait for Jaune to continue. I notice Qrow's posture straighten, showing his curiosity. "With Cordo on watch, only Atlas airships have the clearance to leave, so...we steal an Atlas airship.." Jaune says, as he shrugs and smiles awkwardly. I blink a few times in silence, as I run over what he just said. He...wants to steal...an Atlesian Airship..? I'm too shocked to speak. "Let me get this straight. You wish to steal an airship, from one of the most heavily guarded military bases on Remnant?" I ask. He nods. "You realize that is breaking the law, correct?" I ask. Jaune laughs awkwardly. "I...did say there was no going back.." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's not just breaking the law. That's...that's definitely worse." Weiss says. "How would we even get on to the airfield?" Yang asks. "That part...I haven't really figured out yet.." Jaune admits. After a few seconds, he continues. "But I wa--" Qrow cuts Jaune off. "Okay, stop. Just, stop." Qrow says. "I do not hear you coming up with any ideas." I say, crossing my arms over my chest, shooting a soft glare towards him. He's shocked at this for a second, before narrowing his eyes. "Look, if this thing goes south, it's not something we can just fight our way out of. This is the Atlas military we're talking about!" Qrow says. I sigh and shake my head. "Look...Qrow I see your point." I say. He sighs relieved. 

"Thank y--" I cut him off. "However, even if that's the case, we do not have many options. The dear General has kindly closed the borders, banned supplies going in and out of Atlas, and has even recalled his soldiers. There is no other possible way." I say, taking a few steps forward. His eyes widen. "Solar.." He trails off, before sighing. "Please, for your sake, just drop this.." He begs. I sigh and look to the others. We all exchange glances. This is highly dangerous, one wrong move and everything we've worked towards, will be meaningless. We cannot afford to do this without proper time and thought.. I run over all the events that have happened since joining them. I think of all the innocent people in the world, the threat Salem poses against them. But...we have to try.. "I want to hear him out." Ruby says, breaking the silence. I quickly look to her in surprise. Qrow sighs. "Ruby.." Qrow says. "I want, to hear him out! I know you're trying to protect us, that you're afraid we can't do it. But right now...I don't really care what you think!" Ruby says, hands fisted at her sides. The look on Qrow's face, was that of sadness and hurt. I avert my gaze sadly. 

It hurt my chest to go against Qrow, but I knew at least this time, it had to be done. No matter what the cost.. There were too many lives at stake, to remain obedient. I knew this, but I couldn't help but place a hand to my chest. Sighing, I listen to Ruby. "Just because you don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad situations before, and we didn't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way! Now I say, we do it our way." Ruby says, with determination. I look to the ground, in a mix of pride, and sadness. "And if you think you can keep up with us kids...we'd be happy to have you." Ruby says. Qrow is silent at this, until Maria chuckles. "Looks like you didn't give her enough credit either." Maria says with a smile. He remains silent, before sighing. He shakes his head, and walks up the stairs. My eyes widen, and I sigh sadly. Qrow..

"What are we suppose to do now?" Weiss asks, uncertainty in her voice. "I don't know.." Ruby says. This plan of Jaune's...I know we can do it but... I look towards the now empty stairs. We will get no where if he can't even see past the bottle. I think about this sadly. "How are we suppose to do anything if he can't stay sober for one minute? I'm sick of him!" Yang says angrily. This has to stop.. Clenching my fists tightly, I take a step forward. "You're right." I speak finally. They all look to me. "Solar?" Ruby asks. "This has gone on long enough." I say. "What?" Yang asks. I sigh, before looking to her. "I was willing to let it slide if it didn't interfere with our job but, it seems I have little choice." I say. "So, what do we do then?" Blake asks. "You? Nothing. I." Is all I say, before making my way up the stairs after Qrow. I feel their gazes on me the entire time.

After reaching his room, I knock on the door. Without waiting for an answer, I open it. Once inside, I stop, seeing Qrow drinking from his flask again. "Qrow.." I say quietly. He finishes a big sip, before sighing. "Care for a drink? I've got plenty." He says, not looking at me. My eyes narrow, seeing him about to drink again. Before Qrow can do anything, the flask is snatched out of his hand. "Hey! What's your deal?!" He asks, standing up. I say nothing, just stare at him with narrowed eyes. Seeing this, he sighs. "Give it back Solar." He says, holding out his hand. I don't move. "Solar, give it back." He says again, trying to grab the flask. I step out of the away, making my way to the window in a few seconds. I'm sorry Qrow, but this is for your own good. Before he can do anything, I dump the flasks contents out the window. He watches in shock, eyes widened, until finally he growls in annoyance. "Solar!" He snaps. "Don't!" I snap back, making him freeze in place at my tone. I do not stop pouring, until it's empty. Once it is, I close the top, and look back to him. "Come with me." I say, before jumping onto the roof from the open window.

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