New Approach

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Seeing her staring, my eyes widen, and I quickly turn my head towards her. "What is it?" Qrow asks still quiet. Before I can answer however, I feel something rising from the floor beneath us. We quickly take a step back. I watch a small platform rise a few inches above the ground, before Light Blue lights turn on, lighting up the whole room. Seeing this, I quickly release his hand, not wanting to bother him further.

I cannot keep doing this...I need to focus.. "Ozpin thought the best way to fight Salem, was to do so in secret. Whether that was the right choice or not, isn't for me to say." The General says, before stopping at the platform in front of us. Penny and Winter follow, coming to his side soon after. "But, we find ourselves in the position of needing...well, a new approach." He finishes. A new approach..? What kind exactly? I raise a brow, crossing my arms over my chest expectantly. "And what do you suggest?" Qrow asks.

The General pulls out a remote, pressing another button, activating the platform. Soon after, a holographic image appears in the middle of the platform. My eyes widen at the transparent Light Blue image before us. this..? "That's...Amity Colosseum.." Jaune says, catching my attention. "Where the Vytal Festival is held..?" Oscar asks. Vytal Festival..? Wasn't that going on when Beacon fell? "Indeed. When Beacon fell, and everyone on Remnant lost contact with one another, I knew our current system was outdated." The General says. Okay but...what does that have to do with what's happening here and now? "Amity was built to bring the nations together...and it will serve that purpose once again." He says, pressing another button.

After a few seconds, something materializes atop the hologram. Is...that a tower? "Isn't it great? We are not just going to replace Beacon Tower. Building a new tower on top of Amity Colosseum will reestablish Global Communications!" Penny says happily. "By launching the tower high into the atmosphere, our scientists believe we can create a sort of...satellite." Winter adds. I furrow my brows. "Out of reach of the Grimm and capable of maintaining Global Communications, even if we were to lose another tower." She finishes. I think about this for a few seconds. If what they say is possible, that might change everything. If communications were returned, perhaps I could even find a way to contact Tan. I'm sure she was worried when I didn't return..

" great." Ruby says impressed. "James. You don't need the entire Military for this.." Qrow says. The General looks to him, before sighing. "I will for the next part." The General says. I raise a brow at this. part..? The General looks between all of us in silence. "Where I finally tell the people about Salem." The General says, making my eyes widen. He's...going to.. I stare in shock. He is going to cause panic everywhere.. I think about the consequences for such a revelation. If he does this, Atlas will be flooded with Grimm.. We all exchange glances of shock, mixed with worry.

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