Taking A Chance

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I silently make my way down one of the long corridors of the academy. It had been a few hours since I had gone to the bathhouse to clean myself and my armor. I had met up with Qrow as planned not too long ago. The kids had indeed made food, so we had enjoyed a late dinner. However, after eating, Qrow had left to speak to The General about reinforcing the wall, and sealing off the sewer tunnels from Grimm. Believing it was best to let Qrow handle this, I had decided to head back to the dorm. Hopefully the General can do something. I sigh and think back on when I spoke to Yang and Blake. Will they come I wonder..? I shake out of my thoughts and sigh. I suppose only time will tell..

I come to a stop as another thought comes to mind. Something that troubled me greatly. What if...they ask about..? I look down at my hands. Can I really do it..? I've...never spoken to anyone but Qrow about That.. My hands tremble, as I remember what happened 'That Night'. Not only that but...what if they avoid me even more..? Have I...made a mistake..? I shake my head, pushing those thoughts away. Nevermind that. What's done is done. No matter what happens, I cannot give up. They are going to need someone to help them through. With that, I continue towards the dorm room.

As I turn the last corner however, I stop in my tracks, eyes widened. At our dorm room, stood Yang and Blake.  Yang leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed in a pout, while Blake sat on the ground next to her, hugging her knees to her chest, ears back in sadness, looking just as exhausted as before. How long have they..? I shake out of my surprise, and take a few calming breaths. Doesn't matter...I've kept them waiting long enough. With that thought, I slowly make my way forward.

As I got closer, Blake's right ear pops up, before she quickly looks towards me. Seeing me walking towards them, she raises up from the ground. "Solar." She says tiredly, catching Yang's attention. "Took her time, didn't she.." Yang mumbles, earning an elbow in the side from Blake. "Yang..!" Blake whispers sternly. Yang rolls her eyes in annoyance. I observe their exchange closely. It would seem Blake is the one who made the decision to come here.. I sigh in relief, stopping once I reach them. "I did not think you two would come.." I say honestly.  Blake shakes her head. "To be honest...we didn't think we would either.." Blake admits. I nod in understanding, before walking to the door. Opening the door, I walk inside, leaving the door ajar. They exchange a glance, clearly nervous. "Where's Qrow..?" Yang asks, seeing the empty room. "Your uncle is speaking with the General. He is adressing a few concerns we have about Mantle's safety. He will be back soon. If you would prefer to wait for him instead, I understand." I say, placing my blades atop the bottom bunk.

They are silent for a few seconds, before one speaks up. "What you said earlier.." Yang speaks. "Can you...really help us..?" Blake asks. "I can." I say, looking over my shoulder with a nod. "How?" Blake asks. "The nightmares stem from two things. One, the need to speak about what happened. Keeping it between just the two of you will not help. You need a third party. Which brings us to two. Subconsciously, you are afraid to talk about what happened, because you are afraid of how people will react. You fear they will shun you. You are afraid they will treat you no different than the people you all fight against." I explain. "If you wish to rise above the nightmares, you will need to address both of these." I say, before sighing. "However, though it is true that I can help you, I do not want you to feel you have to talk. If you do not feel comfortable speaking to me, please do not force yourself." I say. The last thing I want to do, is force anything upon them. I want them to speak to me because they want to. Not because I'm telling them to.

The two of them exchange a glance

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The two of them exchange a glance. Blake's ears were back in fear, as she waited for Yang to make her choice. I watch Yang look to Blake, her expression changing after a few moments. She sighs, closing her eyes, before opening them, and nodding to Blake. Seeing this, Blake's ears stand up once again, before Blake nods back. With that small exchange, they look to me. Seeing their determined faces, I sigh in relief, giving them both a welcoming smile. "Ok." I say. With that one word, the girls step over the threshold of the door, and step inside.

A few moments later...

"He just...wouldn't let up. We tried to reason with him, but he just...kept coming.." Blake says, tears filling her eyes as she explains. I stay silent, listening to the rest of their story. "He was trying to kill Blake. If I hadn't reached her when I did.." Yang's hand trembles at the thought. She did not have to explain, I knew exactly what she was thinking. Blake would've been killed, had Yang not arrived when she had. It would've been the same outcome that had happened to me.. I sigh and shake my head. "In the end, we had no choice but to.." Yang trails off, her eyes glazing over with unshed tears. Both Blake and Yang clench their hands into fists, lowering their heads, and staring down at the small circular table we sat at. A couple water drops fell from them, onto the table below. Seeing them in this state, saddened me. My heart broke for them, I wanted to comfort them. This may be a bit sudden but.. I hesitantly reach out to them, gently covering their hands with my own, startling them. They tense up immediately, their eyes widened, as they both meet my gaze. I hope this is okay.. I stay silent, holding my breath, as I wait for what they would say.

After a few moments, they slowly relax, and give a sad smile. Seeing this, I give a relieved sigh, along with a reassuring squeeze, before releasing their hands. "I am sorry for what the two of you went through. Being forced into such a situation is never easy.." I say, shaking my head, as I trail off. "But...for what it is worth.." I say, getting their attention. They look up at me. "I am glad the two of you are still here with us." I say with a kind smile, and a nod. I am glad they are safe. Tears fill their eyes once again, at hearing these words. These girls...were forced to make such an unfair choice.. I shake my head solemnly. It is my hope, that they never have to go through that again.

Author's Note- I am totally not late on updating this chapter, you guys were just early. :P Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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