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We weave through the swarms of Grimm and Ships. I watch on in worry, as ships and Grimm fall left and right. Can she truly do this..? I look to Ruby and sigh. If she believes she can do this, then I will too. I nod and look forward once again. There is too much at stake to think any other way. These people, they are depending on us. We mustn't fail them. We can't.

We close in on the Leviathan. Have we made it in time? As we closed in, I see the Leviathan already had another flame ray forming, by the looks of it, it was mid charge. If we keep going, we'll..! "Maria.." I say worriedly, before the Leviathan begins to open its mouth wider. My eyes widen in fear, and I find myself digging my nails into Qrow's seat. We're not going to make it..! "Qrow..!" I say urgently. "We're too late, pull up!!" Qrow yells. Maria immediately does so, just before the ray shoots outward, crashing through the last shield. No!

The flame ray crashes through the top of one of the buildings, forcing the civilians gathered at the base to flee in panic. As we watched on in worry, the tired grunts from Jaune and Ren catch our attention, tearing us away from Argus. Both boys collapse to the ground, both Aura's breaking. "Dammit.." Jaune says panting. "That's all I've got.." Ren says, panting as well. My eyes widen in worry, and I can't help but look back at Argus. All those people..

"It's on the move again, we need to stop it!" Blake yells. Yang turns towards Ruby. "What do we do?" Yang asks, fear clear on her face. Ruby thinks about this, before looking between Weiss and myself. "How are your Auras?" She asks us. I look to my hands. I have no way of tracking it.. "I--" Qrow cuts me off. "Solar's Aura is drained. She has less than two notches of Aura left. There's not enough to create another copy of that size." Qrow speaks up. How does he know that..? "Alright, Weiss?" Ruby asks. Weiss checks her scroll quickly. "I should be okay." Weiss says with a nod. Ruby nods back and soon, a plan is made. Not long after, Ruby's riding off on Weiss' Queen Lancer. I watch them go. Please be careful..

I watch for a few more moments, before sighing, and walking back to Qrow. "Are we sure about this?" I ask, looking back onto the plan they came up with. "No, but it's all we've got." He says. Nodding, I hold on to his seat, readying myself, as I look out the windshield. The ship picks up speed, circling back towards the Leviathan. Yang and Nora quickly take their places. Once there, the doors open, and her and Yang begin to bombard the beast with their bullets. "Eyes on us ugly!" Nora yells in excitement. "Is it working?" Blake asks, running up to the two girls, looking out at the creature. "Unfortunately, yes. Now hang on!" Maria says, before the ship makes a sharp turn, forcing me to tighten my grip on Qrow's seat, as I lose my balance from the force.

An arm wraps around my waist, startling me. "Gotcha." Qrow says. Once the ship steadies itself, he pulls me towards him, and makes me sit down next to him. "What are you..?" I don't finish that sentence, due to hearing a click. Looking down, I see the strap around my waist, as well as his, which connected at the middle. I give him a questioning look. "You're gonna have to deal with it for now, we've got limited seats." He says, right before the ship takes another sharp turn, dodging the Grimm's attack. Nodding, I look out the windshield. "Let's hope this works.." I say, seeing Ruby standing before the Leviathan. Come on Ruby..

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