A Much Needed Talk

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Once on the roof, I wait, and listen. After a few moments of silence, I hear Qrow sigh, before I hear wings. I sigh in relief, before turning towards him, just as he lands atop the roof. "I'm here, now would you mind telling me what the hell that was all about?" He asks annoyed, motioning towards the side of the house. The moonlight shines through the clouds, catching my attention. I stare up at it, as I walk to the center of the roof. "You know, I've always loved the moon.." I speak, not answering his question. "Yeah, I know. But what's that got to do wi--" I hold up my hand, cutting him off. I sigh and shake my head as I see him roll his eyes. 

"Qrow, what do you see, when you look at the moon?" I ask. "What?" He asks annoyed. "The moon. What do you see, when you look at it?" I ask. He raises a brow, before sighing, and looking up. "It was destroyed when the Gods left this world. Probably won't last much longer. Why?" He asks. I laugh quietly, shaking my head. Of course he'd say that.. "What, you asked! If my answer's so funny, why don't you tell me what you see then." He says still annoyed, but seeming to have calmed down slightly. "Very well, if you insist. But first, what you said, I have to disagree with you." I say. "Oh yeah? Why's that?" He asks. I smile at him, before looking up to the sky once again. "To be honest, I believe it will always be there.." I continue, reaching my hand up at the sky, ever so slightly, in order to trace the moon with my fingertip. "Though it no longer holds the same shape it once had, all those years ago...the fact of the matter is, even after everything it's been through, it still manages to be here every night." I say, smiling at the moon. He raises a brow, looking at the sky for a few more seconds, before looking to me. "Why do I feel a lecture coming on?" He asks me. I laugh quietly, before looking to him again. 

"I've observed you for quite some time Qrow. Not only that, but we grew up together. I may not understand many people, but I can proudly say I understand you." I say. "I can see the Sorrow in your eyes, the Regrets you have, and the deep Hate you feel towards yourself." I say quietly, looking towards him, only to see his face fall, at my words. I sigh. "If it were any other person, they most likely wouldn't be able to see it. However, that is not something you can hide from me." I say, walking towards him. He looks at me, and averts his gaze, staying silent. I sigh and place my hand on his shoulder, stopping at his side. "I may have been gone for 15 years, but I never lost my ability to read you." I say quietly, with a kind smile, before sighing. "I will not force you to tell me what happened. However, when you are ready to talk about it, I will be ready to listen." I finish. After a moment of silence, he looks to me, and nods. "Thanks Solar.." He says with a grateful smile. I smile and nod, before walking to the roof's edge, before sitting down, to look up at the moon.

It had been about an hour or so since what was said, yet neither of us had left. Currently, I sat atop the roof, knees resting comfortably against my chest. Qrow sat next to me, one arm draped over a knee, while the other foot dangled over the edge of the roof. We sat in comfortable silence, neither saying a word, just enjoying the others company. Qrow sighs and breaks the silence. "You know, you never did tell me how you see the moon. You just told me I was wrong." He says, changing the subject. I laugh softly at this. 

"I suppose you are right. However, are you sure you want to hear it? It will most likely be accompanied by another lecture." I warn him with a smirk. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Might as well. It's not like I have anything else to do." He says, pointing at the empty flask in my hand, reminding me about what I did earlier. I roll my eyes and smirk. "Very well, I'll tell you. But first, understand that to most, the moon is a simple object in the sky, holding no real significance in their lives." I say, shaking my head in disapproval of that way of thinking. "But to you?" He asks. "To me, I see so much more than a simple object. Whether it is because of...Her...or perhaps because I had too much time on my hands, but I could never see the moon like that." I say, as an image rises within my mind, at the mention of Her.

"I do not see the moon as an object, in fact, I see it as something to inspire people to work towards." I say, glancing to him, before looking back up. "Inspire?" He asks, with a scoff. "Of course. Afterall, every night, the Darkness surrounds it...and yet, even still, it manages to find the light." I say. "Call it strange if you would, but still." I say. Qrow chuckles slightly at these words. "Ever the Optimist.." He says, before he chuckles, and shakes his head. "I wasn't always. You out of all people should know that." I say, a twinge of pain in my chest, remembering how I use to be. "Yea...I know.." He says going silent, as if thinking back on That Time as well. It took me years to recover, and honestly, if not for Qrow.. I don't finish that thought, not wanting to think about the what if of that. With how my mindset was.. I sigh and shake my head.

"But back on topic. What you said about the moon, I gotta say, I never really thought about it that way...or at all for that matter. I guess I'm one of those people you were talking about." Qrow says, looking up at the moon. I smile. "Do not feel bad, I did not lie when I said many don't." I say, before looking at him. He looks to me with a smirk. "Is this the part where you throw in a lecture?" He teases. I give a quiet laugh and shake my head, before sighing, and becoming serious once more. "Many struggle to see Hope...especially when they need it most.." I add, before looking to him again. "Do not be like them Qrow, you're better than that. This is all I wanted to say." I say before holding the flask out to him. He looks to the flask, and gives me a questioning glance. I sigh. "I cannot force you to stop drinking. You have to want that for yourself. However, I will say this. You have a group of kids downstairs that look up to you, including your nieces. My advice? Whenever you drink around them, look at their reactions. The alcohol will surely lose it's taste after that." I say, before grabbing his hand, and placing the flask within. Once done, I stand, and walk away.

Author's note: Hope the lectures made sense lol that's how I see the moon, and wished to share that way of thinking with you guys but it's fine if it doesn't make sense lol anyways, surprise 4am update woo!

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