Pomp and Circumstance

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After the surprise entrance by Penny, The General brought us up to Amity Arena. So this is what Amity looks like from the inside.. I look around the large empty room. I've only ever seen the outside of this place from the ground.. I focus back onto the scene before us, as I stand off to the side, next to Qrow. Team RWBY and Team JNR, were lined up at the center of the stage, while The General, Winter, and Penny stood before them. "It goes without saying, that this arena holds...a significance to all of us." The General says, stepping forward, and smiling over the kids. "It's only fitting that we should reconvene here now, when the world needs to be brought together more than ever." he continues, as he begins to walk back and forth between them. "The road you traveled from our first meeting, hasn't been easy." he says. As I watch The General, I notice Penny bouncing up and down with excitement. Winter notices this too, and places a hand on her shoulder, stopping her bouncing. I laugh quietly before focusing back on the kids. "You fought for your school, for your friends, and your kingdom. You fought for the world, and the innocent at Haven Academy and beyond. You faced down terrors people can't even fathom. That's not the behavior of students. It's the behavior...of Huntsmen and Huntresses." The General finishes, coming to a stop, and looking to Penny.

Penny sees this and immediately walks forward, with a larger scroll in hand. She makes her way to all of the kids, pressing a button on the scroll's screen each time. Ren is the first to speak, pulling out his scroll. "Wait...what is this..?" He asks surprised. Nora looks to her scroll next, along with Jaune, and the others. "You, are being granted your Huntsmen Licenses today." Winter says, smiling in pride. I nod my head with an equally proud smile, before looking to Qrow. "They've certainly earned it, haven't they." I say, so only he could hear. He chuckles. "Not just them." He says. His words confuse me and I furrow my brow. "What..?" I ask, right before Penny stops before me. Seeing her there, makes my eyes widen. She gives me a bright smile, before pressing a button. Vibration at my hip, startles me. I pull out my scroll, seeing the words 'Huntress License- Atlas' on the top of my namecard.

My eyes widen even further, and I quickly look to Qrow

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My eyes widen even further, and I quickly look to Qrow. I'm about to protest, when The General speaks, distracting me. "I know this is coming ahead of schedule, but, I'm sure everyone can agree that you all deserve it. My only regret is that I couldn't do something more...ceremonious for the occasion." The General says. I look down at my scroll again. The Kids I can understand but...why me..? I've never even gone to an academy.. I shake out of my thoughts. I can ask later, I do not wish to ruin this moment for them.. I sigh, before looking back towards the others. "I...we, are honored General Ironwood, but you really don't have t-" The General cuts Ruby off. "Please, with the threat of Salem still out there, and tensions rising in our kingdom, I certainly could use more trustworthy fighters by my side. I should be so lucky to have all of you." The General says, walking between all of them, stopping briefly at Ruby. "It's okay, it's a big moment, and what better way than to celebrate here?" He asks. "When this tower is ready, and the communications are back up and running, we'll tell the world about Salem, and face down whatever comes after that. Together." The General says, stopping at the center once again.

We're all silent, as we listen to his words. After a few moments, The General sighs. "That's just about all the Pomp I have in me. If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to running this operation. Um, well then. Enjoy the cake." The General says awkwardly, before turning, and walking away. Winter follows after him. As they're walking away, Penny pops up. "Your speech outros are improving sir!" Penny says, trying to cheer him up. "After everything we've been through, I almost forgot this is what I wanted in the first place.." Yang says, catching my attention. "When Beacon fell, I didn't even think this would be possible.." Blake adds. "It almost feels trivial now.." Weiss adds. I glance down at my scroll again. "A Huntress..? Is such a thing even possible for someone like me..?" I ask, finally speaking my mind. "I grew up in a Bandit Tribe and before that I.." I trail off, realizing who I was talking to. I must remember it's not just Qrow here...the kids still don't know about.. The memory of That Night rises within my mind, along with an image of my blood covered hands. 

I shake out of my thoughts, when I hear Qrow chuckle

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I shake out of my thoughts, when I hear Qrow chuckle. "Jeeze guys, lighten up a little. Enjoy yourselves for a change. You've earned it." Qrow says, snapping us all out of our musings. "Finally, someone said it! Let's kill some cake huh??" Nora says excitedly. "Because I can eat two slices before Ren can eat one. Who says I can't? Who says it, huh?!" Nora adds, looking around, ready to prove us wrong. "Nora, nobody is arguing with you about this." Ren says. 

A few moments later..

I watch the others laughing and chatting around the cake, while they eat. Seeing Nora shoving entire slices in her mouth, I shake my head and smile, before sighing, and turning away. I make my way towards one of the surrounding rows of bleachers, before noticing Ruby atop one of them. When did she sneak off..? I am about to make my way towards her, when I see Qrow walking over to her, and sitting down next to her. Seeing them begin to talk, I decide it better to let them be. Changing my course, I make my way towards another set of bleachers. 

I sit down with a sigh, before pulling out my scroll again. I stare at the license, narrowing my eyes. It's not that I am ungrateful...in fact, it's quite the opposite. It's just.. I decide not to finish that thought, sigh, and run my fingers through my hair. Stopping at the back of my head, I let my hand drop down to my lap. Well, I suppose this will be useful. Being a Huntress does allow me to stay with them, without as much hassle. Not only that but, if I'm mistaken as one of those Heretics again, I can simply show them this, and people will be less likely to become hostile. I sigh again, shake my head, and put the scroll away once more. Perhaps one day, I will live up to the title of Huntress...until then however.. A slice of cake on a plate is placed before me, making my eyes widen, and snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up, seeing Qrow and Ruby smiling down at me. Seeing their smiles, warms my heart, and I sigh in defeat. Accepting the piece of cake, I smile back at them. I will stay by their side..

Author's note: Hope you guys are enjoying the story! In your honest opinions, what do you think of Solar's character? Do you believe she deserved to get a Huntress License? For plot reasons, I had to make her a Huntress as well, due to the missions only being accessible by Huntsmen and Huntresses. However, I'm kind of torn, on one hand, although she joined their group late, she has been fighting by their sides, risking her life to keep them and everyone safe. But on the other hand, I also feel she doesn't, considering her past and everything. So I can see both opinions are reasonable, but what do you guys think? Let me know down in the comments below if ya want :)

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