Chapter 2 | The king

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The sunlight is bothering me. The light is hurting my eyes. The warmth in this room is also bugging me. This means I need to get up and close the damn curtains myself. There's nothing in this damn room that isn't pissing me off. The curtains...

It would be an easy chore for anyone else but to me, it feels like hell. I hate this, I hate everything.

I hate Ravia.

It's a warm country, the sun always shines and there's rarely rainfall. At least not during the day.

Back at home things were easier. I was used to the cold and brutal winters. I was used to fighting until my body couldn't handle it anymore. Now all I do is sit on a throne and discuss boring matters. Try to preserve the existing political bonds but also make new allies.

It's exhausting.

Why should I care that there's an uprising at The Ridge? A group calling themselves the Mount Guard has been fighting these rebels off. Doing my job for me.

I hate everything.

I shrug the blanket off and walk over to the balcony. The sun instantly warms my skin, disgusting. Why would anyone ever want to live here? Why would anyone want this?

"Good morning your majesty."

Why is she still here?

I don't answer, I keep walking until I feel the hot sun burn into my skin. I try to love it, enjoy it. But I can't. I love the cold.

"Why won't you come back to bed?"

She's pushing me. I try not to be rude but I fail. I honestly tried but it isn't my nature.

"What do you not understand? I need my space. You should've left hours ago." I shouldn't have to explain this to her. She knows it already. If not, she should've known.

We're not getting married just because we had sex once.

The girl whose name I have already forgotten sneers at me. At least she isn't crying because I have no idea what to do when a woman cries. I never have.

"Go on then. If you're waiting for an invitation to join me, you're mistaken. Now leave and do not return."

She's about to open her mouth to speak but I turn my back on her. There's a captivating lake with fallen flowers in it downstairs. I often wonder how many dead bodies are buried below the flowers, clung to the bottom of the lake.

I hear a knock on my door and instantly want to jump off this balcony. It's high enough for me to injure myself but not high enough to die, a pity.

"Come in!"

Fuck me. I am so sick of this shit.

"They'll arrive in an hour, your majesty."

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