Chapter 47 | Defeat

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"Until the end," she mouths before he snatches her away from me.

The instant she's out of sight, they push me back onto my knees. I could easily fight them off by they have my hands and legs tied together, I doubt Fallon even noticed that.

I scream her name, telling her to come back. Telling her, she doesn't need to leave, we'll find a way but it's useless.

With some sort of power that comes over me out of nowhere, I get up. I push the guards away and break the chains. I run towards her. I run after her but she's already gone.

The remaining guards of Deimos take me back. I don't fight them, I let them attack me, I don't care.

They get yanked off of me by someone. Someone angry who slaughters them all in merely seconds.

Zale drops to the ground like everyone else and it's like we're paralyzed.

The storm is growing louder. It's deafening. Almost as much as the silence of everyone here.

We're sitting on the floor, next to all the dead bodies. All the ladies and lords.

"They took the bodies." Corvina suddenly says. She gets up and she's frantically walking around the ruined ballroom.

"They didn't even leave me her body. They took them. They-"

Sorin yanks her back and embraces her, he's whispering all kinds of things to her to calm her down.

I stare at them. All of them. They let this happen. And so did I. We all failed.

But mostly I.

I promised her that she would never have to go through anything like this again. That she was safe with me. I failed.

"She was here." Zale starts to mumble. "I let him take her. I failed. Again."

I close my eyes, placing my hands over my ears like I used to do when I was a child. Trying to block out every sound.

I can't do this without her. I can't live without her. I can't live without her knowing. She doesn't know. I didn't tell her. I didn't get the chance.

It's just three words.

Yet I was scared. So scared that she wouldn't be able to deal with it.

Now she's gone.

And I'm all alone again.

I love you.

I should've told her. I should've screamed it to her. She deserved to know. I told her that I loved her. I did. But she never understood and I never spelled it out for her.

Jet airés.

I told her I loved her underneath the moon, on top of the mountains. I told her I loved her when she smiled at me, I told her I loved her when she was scared, when she sought comfort in my arms.

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