41. He has a bad nightmare

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okok, i actually liked how this one came out
this was requested by: @animefreak58

1.7k words ahead, at the end it's mostly katsuki's POV

also i'm sorry, i tried to keep it gender neutral but subconsciously began writing she/her & girlfriend instead of significant other :(

but i still hope you all enjoy !!


"Katsuki! I'm okay really"

I told my hot headed boyfriend as I sat in recovery girls office after injuring my arms.  Cementoss made up a scenario about a building collapsing and asked how much of the building I can hold back before it actually collapses.

So I tested my limits. While our other classmates were training in enhancing their quirk, I asked Katsuki to blow up the building with his new moves so it could collapse. When it did, a lot of cement and glass came crashing down but with my quirk I managed to stop some of it from crashing down on me.

However, it was little too heavy for me to carry, so I let it come crashing down but made a force field around me so I wouldn't get completely injured. I then blew up the force field with a large energy blast so all the building that came crashing down dispersed else where besides me.

The weight and large energy took a toll on my arms. Not a lot like Midoriya's, but they were definitely bruised and sore.

"Tsk, you should've started out small first!" Katsuki aggressively said "You could've ended up like dumb Deku!"
"But I didn't!" I chuckled trying to enlighten his mood, "I'm seriously fine, this injury will go away tomorrow"

~~~~~~ Katsuki's POV

"I'm seriously fine, this injury will go away tomorrow"

Tsk, easier said than done but I know her dumbass will not let us know whether she's in pain or not.
I frowned and looked down. It was all my fault, I knew she couldn't handle the weight of all the debris falling down. Not that she's not strong, cause that woman can fight. But she was only one person, hell we were first years. Yet, I blew up the building cause she asked me to. Next time i'll go with my gut feeling, no matter how cute (Y/N) is.

"Recovery girl, can we head back to our dorms? I think I've been here long enough" My girlfriend asked as Recovery girl nodded. She explained not to overwork herself, specially her arms & if they don't stop hurting by the end of the week to come back.

We were walking back but this time we weren't holding hands. I was too afraid they'll hurt.

"I honestly feel like I need arm slings, my arms feel heavy" She said while crossing her arms "Looks like i'm out of commission for a while"
"Good, you need the rest" I said and sighed "When you're feeling better we're gonna go to the gym so you can build muscle... I don't want that happening again"
"Yessir! Sounds like a plan" She cheerily replied "But you gotta admit it was cool when I broke out of my force field"
"Tsk! I was scared for you witch!"
"But did I look cool?"


After I helped her get her bed ready and checked one last time if she needed something before I left, I bid her goodnight and kissed her forehead. She quickly pecked my lips making me smile. Good thing it was dark and she couldn't see me blush.

"Call me if you need anything witch" I said as she nodded,

I made my way to my own room and laid down thinking of today's events. She hurt her arms because of me, all cause I couldn't say no to her. I finally closed my eyes to try and forget the situation.

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