18. First Fight

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this was requested by:
angsty... i think, lolol
i also said this was gonna be he gets jealous but first fighting was more fitting


Katsuki and I were walking towards the cafeteria alone, the Bakusquad are usually the first ones at the table, so we didn't need to worry about somebody taking it. Though, this time Katsuki was venting to me because of something Izuku did. I honestly didn't see the point of getting mad at something so little but I still wanted Katsuki to vent to me instead of taking it out on other people.
As we entered the doors of the cafeteria, I looked around to see if I can spot our friends. But instead my eye caught a certain purpled haired boy. He was sitting with some people, who were talking but he seemed uninterested in the conversation. I waved at him and sent him a smile, he lightly waved and raised his eyebrows as a sign that he saw me.

"Oi, are you even listening?!" Katsuki questioned me in his rough voice and turned his head to see at who I was waving at,
I spoke up before he could say anything "Yes, Izuku was pissing you off"
"Tsk, isn't that the loser Deku fought in the sports festival?"
I lightly hit his arm, "His name is Shinso he's cool, and yeah it's him"
He stopped in the middle of the cafeteria, "How the fuck do you know his name?"
I rolled my eyes and pulled on his hand so he can start walking again, which worked, "Present Mic announced all of the contestants names, dummy"
"Oi! Don't call me dumb, I'm smarter than you!"

We finally reached our table and was immediately greeted by our friends.

"What took you guys so long?" Mina asked, "Were you guys doing couple stuff?" she wiggled her eyebrows trying to suggest something
"Shut it, raccoon eyes!" Katsuki replied,
I rolled my eyes, and chuckled at Mina's comment, "Don't worry about it, Katsuki, here is just a little angrier than usual"

Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero were questioning Katsuki, which probably wasn't a good idea, but I still let them be. Besides they're one of the few people Katsuki tolerates.

"Gah!! Shut the fuck up, I forgot my chopsticks!" Katsuki growled silencing the boys
I chuckled, "I'll go get you some from the dispensers" I stood up to get them but Katsuki spoke up
"Those are shitty" He commented as he crossed his arms
"Okay then, eat with your hands" I copied his actions, he rolled his eyes as a response, "It's only for today anyway, suck it up"

I went to the front of the cafeteria where all the napkin, spoons, forks, and chopstick dispensers were. I grabbed Katsuki a pair of chopsticks and just as I turned around I bumped into someone.

"You know, if you want to talk there are better ways to get ones attention rather than constantly bumping into them"
"Oh, Shinso!" I exclaimed "Sorry, I didn't see you"
"I'll say" He said as he looked at the vending machine options "Your boyfriend looks like he's about to blow a fuse"
"He already did once or twice" I told him as a joke,
"Hm" He replied while selecting his choice "Being with someone like that is tiresome, how do you deal with it?"
I scratched the back of my head, "Um... I don't know really. I've known him almost all my life so I'm pretty much gotten use to it... Believe it or not, he's actually much calmer and gentle when we're alone"
"Yeah, that's hard to believe" He reached down the vending machine to grab his select snack and turned to me with his head slightly tilted "You should get going, I can feel his stare from a mile away"

He walked away from me. Very dramatic conversation if you asked me, but I turned to look at my table and fair enough, I see Bakugo and his squad staring down at what just happened. I quickly walked towards them and of course they bombard me with questions.

"Are you okay?"
"Did he hypnotize you?"
"What did he say?"
"Did he make you do something?"

I handed Katsuki the chopsticks... Well, he snatched them off my hands, but I didn't pay much attention to his actions.

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