46. You get kidnapped by villans

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authors note at the bottom this chapter lol

you get kidnapped by villains AND (y/n)'s quirk evolves requested by: @sassy_lost_chibi and AnniePaul5

i had trouble coming up w scenarios and these wonderful readers gave me amazing ideas!!
@Haroldswife1 @Elmer_the_robot AureSmith

i wish i could've used everyone's ideas that commented on that one chapter (that i took down lol) i'm sorry :( everyone's ideas were great!!

there's some captain marvel references!

long chapter ahead 3.6k words 

enjoy !!


"(Y/N)! Are you ready?! We're waiting for you!" I heard Mina call out from outside my dorm, I checked that I still have my wallet and my money. Once I did I opened my door to be greeted by Mina. "Let's go!"

Me and the girls had a trip planned to the mall but of course a chaperone had to come with us. So the pro hero and teacher, Midnight, was going with us since there was only girls going.

"Wait we still have 20 minutes before meeting at the gate, let me stop by Katsuki's room quick" I said as she nodded
"Of course you can go to your boyfriends room" Mina mockingly said "To make out?"
"Mina, no! I was just gonna see him" I explained myself so Mina wouldn't think dirty

I went to my boyfriends dorm and knocked on his door.

"It's me, I'm coming in" I said right after knocking or else he wouldn't have opened the door
"I thought you left already" He said as he put his weights down, he had a mini weight set in his room of course.
"In 20 minutes, I just wanted to see you before I left" I chuckled
He started to blush and looked to the side "I'm glad"

I sat on his bed while he stayed in his work out bench.

"Do you want anything from the mall?" I asked
"Nah" He replied "You're suppose to be shopping for yourself, witch"
"I know but we always need permission to go out or need a chaperone so I just want to get everything we need before asking permission to go out again" I said
"I know you're going to the mall but you should get more snack for movie night" He started lifting his other set of weights

We talked for a little more before I had to leave. I quickly kissed him purposely missing his lips and walked to his door.

"Oi! You missed" Katsuki said as he got up before I could even walk out
"I did? My bad" I chuckled as I kissed his lips as he requested, I knew it was a trap cause when I pulled away his arms were wrapped around me "Katsuki~~ can you please let go"
He groaned "Fine, but when you come back tell me"

I nodded and kissed his cheek. He let go and I made my way to the common room where all the girls and Midnight were.


It was 12pm and we had to meet at the fountain at 4pm. If we were ready to go early than that we could tell Miss Midnight who gave us her number for emergency purposes.

Mina, Yaomomo, Jirou and I were one group and Uraraka, Tsu, Hagakure and Miss Midnight another group.

"Do you guys have any stores in mind? I'm fine with anything" Jirou said
"Same here" I agreed with her
"Well there's this new boutique that opened last month and I kinda wanted to go" The class rep said
"Let's go!" Mina cheered "Which way?"

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