60. Adopting 10 kittens but Aizawa adopts them from us

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unnecessarily long but i hope you enjoy bc this was fun to write !! :)

also we in our second year !! and yes let's pretend aizawa is still our teacher

requested by: AnniePaul5


We were in our new dorms for class 2-A and just like the first time the dorm system was introduced, we were having room tours. Except my boyfriend of course, he didn't want anyone to see his shoujo manga collection and other things.

"Gahh.. I can't believe they didn't give us our old dorms back, all of this redecorating was exhausting" Kaminari sighs loudly
I chuckled "You know you didn't have to decorate your room today"
"Yeah, plus they needed our old dorms to the new students" Sero replied
"I really wonder how Bakugo's room looks like, (Y/N)?" Mina asks
Uraraka hummed "We didn't see it last year either"
"It's pretty normal, nothing special"
"Kero, maybe he's hiding something?" Tsu tilted her head

I pretended to think about it.

"No, nothing he's just a private person" I replied though nobody believed me.


Since UA lowered they're restrictions we could go out without permission from a teacher but they did give us IDs that we need to scan every time we leave and come back. So now Katsuki and I could go out whenever we wanted like now, but they were still strict about our curfews.
So here we were going to the store again because my boyfriend here forgot something.

"Did you really forgot to buy them, Katsuki? You know we need them" I asked him we walked hand in hand to the store
"I don't need them, you just want them" He answered and playfully rolled his eyes
"Katsuki when do I never have (what's ur fave snack?) when we have our movie days?" I questioned him "You always finish them too so just admit you like them"

He clicked his tongue and averted his gaze, clearly not admitting he likes and finishes my snacks. After getting to the store and paying for the snacks we were making our way back but decided to stop by the park.

We're usually busy with school and work studies that we barely have time for ourselves to hang out or go on dates. We went down the slides even though I kinda had to drag Katsuki up here, climbed the monkey bars, and were now on the swings. Well... I was on the swings and Katsuki was pushing me, but I had an idea to get him on the swing next to mine.

"I bet I can go higher than you" I smirked when I felt him no longer pushing me
"Ehh?! That's a lie and you know it" He comes over next to me
I chuckle "No I don't know it"
"Look at this!"

He angrily sat on the swing next to mine and started swinging his legs back and forth. It was quite a scene to see Katsuki doing that because he was in a competitive mood but his actions were all cutesy.

"You see? Im going higher than you!" I shouted even though I clearly stopped swinging
"Of course Katsuki"

I suddenly herd a meow but the swings were kinda rusty so they kept on squeaking, I could've just been hearing things. I looked to the side to see if there was a cat or something nearby.

"Oi witch look! Im so high up!"
"Shh shh! I think there's a cat nearby" I told him as I got up, Katsuki jumped off and now the meowing could be heard clear and loud. "See!"

I walked around and saw a box hiding behind a tree and what I though sounded like a cat was a multiple kittens.

"Whoa that could be a trap, get away from that!" Katsuki held my arm from going any further
"Why would anyone put a 'trap' in a childrens playground?" I asked
"Let me take a look at it"

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