12. Your parents find out

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i feel like this is so bad
sorry in advance 🥺
but i hope you enjoy still


I was sleeping peacefully with no worries in mind, when all of a sudden my pillow moved by itself making my head plop down. The warm feeling left my side, I was greeted by coldness. I groaned at the disturbance.

"Oi, witch your alarm went off!"

My eyes shot wide open at the sound of his voice, he really stayed over... If only it weren't a school day, I slept good last night. I sat up next to his side.

"I need to get going" Katsuki said, as he got up and put on his sweater and shoes. He reached for the doorknob but I stopped him with my quirk, he looked at me confused.
"My parents are downstairs, dumbass" I told him, but before he yelled at me for calling him a dumbass I continued, "You'll have to go through the window"

Cheesy... I know. He let go of the doorknob and went over to the window, I quickly followed him.

"You're telling me to jump all the way down there?" He shouted

Mind you, my room was on the second floor...

"No, I'll use my quirk on you and make sure you get down gently" I argued with him, I opened the window and looked down to see if anything was in the way
"What? No fucking way! I rather jump down!"
"Hmph, okay then, jump down and break both legs. Or come downstairs and meet my parents" I retorted making him pout and blush, even though he tried to hide it

He backed away from the window and for a second I thought he was actually going to open the door and go downstairs. But all of a sudden, he ran towards the window and spontaneously jumped out. I was about to catch him with my quirk but I heard mini explosions go off. I quickly ran to the window only to see Katsuki safe and sound on the ground. He looked up and smirked at me.

"You gave me a heart attack!" I told him as I placed a hand over my heart to feel it beating fast
"I told you I could do it!" He shouted
"You didn't tell me anything, you just jumped!" I exclaimed, "Hurry up, idiot. We still have to go to school"
He gritted his teeth, "Don't call me idiot, you witch!"

Instead of answering, I just closed my window again and started to get ready. I changed into my uniform and made myself look presentable for the day. Once I was done, I went downstairs to have some breakfast before I leave.

"Good morning!" my mom chirped, she's a morning person and I could never understand why or how,

My dad was nowhere in sight, so it was just us to for right now. I served myself a bowl of cereal and began eating.

"So" my mom started, "School has been going on for a while, anyone catch your interest?"

I began panicking, it's not like I couldn't have a boyfriend. I guess I just didn't feel comfortable telling my parents.

"Uhh... Nope, nobody yet" I lied, "Where's dad?"
"Outside putting up the christmas lights" she said and continued with our previous conversation "I thought for sure somebodyo would catch your eye, guess not" She said sounding a little disappointed
"Maybe next semester" I scratched the back of my head, I quickly sent a text to Katsuki saying to start start walking to school, i'll catch up to him since my dad was outside. I looked up from my phone, "Why are we talking about this again?"
My mom shrugged her shoulders, "No reason.
You know when your father and I started dating, we had to sneak around because your grandmother wouldn't allow me to date" She chuckled

She shared another story about how they got caught and my grandmother approved of their relationship. At this point, I got suspicious. Did she know about Katsuki?

"Hey, (Y/N)! There's someone here to see you"
I heard my dad say as he opened the front door and poked his head through
"Me?" I asked him as he nodded and opened the door all the way reaching Katsuki,

I mentally yelled at the top of my lungs. Did he not get my message?! Right now I didn't know how to act, do I talk to him as if he was my friend? My parents know how Katsuki is, since he was one of the few people who I grew up with. My dad invited Katsuki in, he guided him to the kitchen where me and my mom were.

"Ah, Bakugou! Whats brings you here?" My mom asked
This is the first time I've seen Katsuki looking nervous, "Uh, me and (Y/N) walk together sometimes and uhh yeah" He scratched the back of his nape trying to avoid eye contact with me and my mom
"Yeah" I nodded "So uh- we should get going or else we're going to be late, Aizawa sensei doesn't tolerate tardiness"
My mom just smiled, "Your dad can take both of you so you won't be late, Bakugo did you eat?"
His eyes widened, but returned back to normal to answer, "Yeah, I already ate. Thank you, though"

There was so much awkward tension, it was honestly suffocating.

"I'm dating your daughter" Katsuki blurted while he looked down on the floor and putting his hand on his pockets,
"We know!" My mom chirped not making a big deal about it, but me and Katsuki looked at her with a shocked expression. My dad threw his arm around Katsuki's shoulder, he looked up at him then back at me.

"I went to your room to collect your dirty laundry and saw the set of pictures by your mirror you guys took" my mom explained with a smile,
My dad continued, "Plus we heard Bakugo leaving this morning. For future reference, the walls aren't sound proof-"
"Okay! Can we go now?" I cut him off. That statement left us both blushing.
"Of course! Honey, take them to school!" My mom tossed the keys to my dad, he caught them and went to start the car. "Just to let you both know, we approve! I think you're cute together, I was so ready to expose you but Bakugo beat me to it. How come you said it all of a sudden?"
My boyfriend look at my mom, "We couldn't hide it forever. Plus I hate dishonesty, so coming here again and looking at you guys made me feel like I was lying"

It took all my might not to tackle him to the ground and pepper him with kisses. This is probably the only time i'll see Katsuki being a genuine softy. My mom finally let us go and my dad took us to school.

"Be honest, was that scary?" I questioned Bakugo as we walked hand in hand to our classroom
"Tsk, no! What do you take me for?! A wimp?!" He replied
"Yes actually, but didn't you check your messages! I told you not to come for me today!"
"Fuck! I forgot to tell you I left my phone in your messy ass room"


this is so unrealistic as to how a parent would react to their kid having a significant other lmao

also in my mind this was going to be at least 500-800 words.... it's 1200, ahaha

but i hope y'all enjoyed, like i said i felt like it was shit ksjsjs



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