23.5. You get jealous

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short, i guess
i hope you guys like it :) !!
this was unique idea, i LOVE IT
requested by: @rantavacodo


Miwa's POV

I had never been a person to notice things and I was okay with that. Walking around with no purpose was fun, you never know who or what you can encounter, but sometimes it gets a little boring. So I decided to go to the arcade to cheer myself up from the boring episode I was having.

Not paying attention, I went straight to the most basic one. Pac man. For some reason the sound that mr. pac-man makes brought pure bliss towards my ears. After 3 rounds of trying to get away from the ghosts, obnoxious voices got my attention. I looked over from my pac-man game and saw a couple of dudes just cheering on other dudes. This looked interesting.

I decided to sit on a stool across from them so I can clearly see the fighting game and I had to admit their combos were cool. The character on the right was doing the most, always jumping, doing combos. It looked like a fun challenge to be playing with this person.

"Fuck yeah!! I won again"

Again? I want to play against him... My yellow eyes followed the rough voice and saw a tall, blonde, spiked haired boy. He had a pretty face, with a fired up expression and crimson eyes. I was looking at his features for too long, I didn't realize they started a new game and two other non-dudes joined. I admired the blond guys moves and still amazed me how well he played. When he won again, I started clapping. They all turned to look at me but my focus was only on the guy.

"Nice combination moves! I challenge you to at match!" I smiled as I walk past the rest of the people and held up 2 tokens,
"Tsk' no, I'm tired of this game"
I chuckled, I bet his buttons are easy to push. "Damn, and here I was thinking I had a worthy opponent"
"I can beat you in any game, lemon head!!"

Lemon head? Huh, that was my first nickname..

"My name is Miwa by the way, you can call me Iwa-chan if you'd like" I lazily smiled
"Whatever, lets get this game started"

His personality was amusing. I'm going to have fun with him, I can tell. Though, I felt a cold stare behind me. Whatever it was, it was unsettling but I didn't bother looking. I'm sure it'll go away soon.


The cold stare feeling left as I predicted. The guy and I kept playing even though he kept loosing. I've never had this much fun.

"I think this fucking joystick broke, it's not working like it used to" The blondie said as he lost again.
"Lets playing another game then" I smiled and followed him at the racing games, "Cool, I love these"
"Well you're gonna loose!!"

The other guys followed us and started hyping on his friend. If it weren't for their cheering I would've never noticed them, to be honest. I was completely oblivious. Half way through the game I heard my name being called.

"Miwa kept winning on winning so he suggested another game"

I felt proud.

"Shut up, dunce face!"

He had so many funny nicknames to give. I had no idea who he was talking to or who was talking, but I heard someone say 'Katsuki'

"So, Katsuki is your name?" I asked. I noticed whenever I talked the chilling feeling of a stare would come back. I can easily shake it off, but it keeps coming back and I didn't know why. Then I heard someone calling him Bakugo, he again told off someone by a funny nickname. "You're so funny, Katsuki! So far I know your name is Katsuki Bakugo, but what's your quirk?"

Katsuki told me 'fuck off' which I found hilarious. I had asked him another question, but he didn't reply. Though, I think I cut someone off from talking by yelling, "I won!"

The poor blonde boy was furious. I had never met someone like him.

"Rematch!" Katsuki yelled while talking to the people around us. I gladly complied and got ready to play.
"3, 2, 1, Go!" I excitedly shouted but the pedal was jammed. "What the hell?"
"What's wrong?" someone asked
"The pedal is stuck!" I said. Just as I was about to check what went wrong a pink alien appeared beside me.
"Miwa, I think you broke it?"

Whoa... Who was she... Katsuki yelled that he had finished a lap and suddenly he was boasting about winning.

"Not fair! I think you cheated, Katsuki" I said, he was about to argue when another pretty face stood before me.
"Hi, Miwa. I'd appreciate if you didn't call my boyfriend by his first name, you two are just strangers. 'Suki won fair and square, now we're off to eat and you're not invited. See you later, Iwa-chan"

They huffed as they clung to Katsuki— Bakugo's arm.

"Oh! Uh— I'm— Im so—"
"To the food court!"

Someone cut me off before I could apologize. I should really be more aware of my surroundings. I just watched them walk away, the one with the pretty face stopped for a second to give Katsuki a mouth-to-mouth kiss. It felt like I was interrupting something, so I just turned around and started making me way out of the arcade... That was enough exploring for one day.. I really need to look up how to properly socialize...

no note this time :)

if you already read the next chapters feel free to skip since I updated this and place it in the middle of other chapters lolol



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