33. You're on your period

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I'm back at it again !!
this was requested but i didn't catch the username :( buttttt here it is!
whatever method y'all prefer to use while mother nature visits is FINE
but i choose pads bc it's just a a classic when writing these scenarios 💀
i hope you all enjoy !! <3


No no no... Not today, Mother Nature, not today! I just woke up.
I thought to myself as I felt something wet and cold on my bottom.

"I'm gonna get up and if I see my sheets are stained I'm going to jump out of a window"

I slowly got out of bed, already knowing the outcome.

"Ugh, I knew it" I say as I turned around only to see a small pool of blood in the middle of my bed meaning my underwear and shorts were also stained. Suddenly, I had the huge urge to cry and throw away all of my stained clothes and sheets instead of being rational and washing them.

"Oi, witch get up, we're gonna be late. I tried calling but you didn't pick up"

I heard outside my door. Quickly checking my phone I realized that it had been dead this whole time and I didn't have an alarm. Great, this day keeps getting better and better.

"I'm coming! You can go on without me, though" I replied back
"Tsk' just get ready, I'll still be waiting for you"

Knowing Katsuki wouldn't leave without me, I quickly got my uniform and put it on to look presentable. I cleaned myself up too, grabbed some pads, and shoved it in my book bag so I can change later on.

"Okay, lets go"  I say as I opened my bedroom door to see Katsuki still waiting on me
"Took you long enough—" He cut himself off and cleared his throat, "Are you— okay? Umm, you look off"

Is it that noticeable?

"I didn't sleep well last night"
"You should've called me or came to my dorm" He said as he grabbed my hand and started to walk to the elevators.
"My phone didn't charge"

Well, I was basically telling the truth. Though, I could tell my boyfriend didn't believe me and I knew he hated whenever somebody lied, specially when it was me but he couldn't handle the truth... yet.


Half way through class, I wasn't feeling so great. Not only did my cramps come to say hello but I had started craving sweets and I started to get a headache for not having breakfast this morning.
We had a short break before Present Mic started his English class. So I decided to go to the bathroom to change and to get a sweet snack.

"I'll be back Katsuki, I'm going to the bathroom" I told him before getting up or else he would've followed me, I slung my bookbag over my shoulder and just as I was about to go he questioned me
"Why are you taking your bag, witch? I'll watch it for you"
A drop of sweat started falling from my forehead "I'm a drug dealer now, the drugs are in my bag"

I quickly said before dashing out of the classroom.

"Ooo! (Y/N), wait for me!" Mina shouted and in a second she was next to me "Are you okay? I saw you taking your bag and that could only mean one thing"
"Well... i'm really hungry and I want something sweet and my head hurts and I have cramps but... yeah i'm okay" I chuckled to lighten the mood
Mina pouted, "I'll go get us some snacks from the vending machine while you go to the bathroom"

She left to the vending machines like she said. We only had a few minutes before class started again, so I had rush my whole ordeal down there. I quickly washed my hands before exiting the bathroom and find my very good friend, Mina, standing outside waiting for me.

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