09. When the class finds out

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okay so half of this chapter is part of the first villain attack episode, but i improvised a bit, DONT JUDGE


"Have a good day, hun!"

My mom shouted before I closed the front door. Monday came around, yet again! Meaning another day at school. I sighed wondering what kind of crazy adventure we'll go on today. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard that rough voice, that I came to love.

"Hurry the fuck up, witch"

I looked up from the ground and saw my little angry pomeranian waiting for me. I gasped and ran to his side.

"You were waiting for me?" I smiled
He looked down as took my hand in his and started walking to school "Yeah"
I chuckled, "That's so thoughtful of you, Katsuki, thank you" I gave him a quick peck on his cheek
"Whatever, it's not like i'm gonna do this every day" he tsk'ed
"You're not?" I pouted
"What? Obviously I'm gonna do this every day, I was just being sarcastic, witch!"

I smiled at his tsundere personality, even though he'll never admit to it.

"Im looking forward to it!" I told him,

Hand in hand, we made our way to UA.
Once we were at the front entrance of
the school, we let go and just made it look like we were casually walking to school.

"We didn't let go sooner, do you think someone saw us?" I asked him
He scoffed "No, cause they should've been minding their fucking business"

I shrugged my shoulders as a response. From
the corner of my eye, I see those familiar red shoes and out of no where, I turned around and was greeted by a certain broccoli head.

"Good morning, Izuku!" I chirped
He stopped in his tracks "H— Hi, good morning (Y/N)"

I didn't realize Katsuki had also stopped.

"Do you need something, Katsuki?" I asked my boyfriend trying to tease him
He growled and gave me a scowl "No! I was just going to class but your pterodactyl screech distracted me!" He then started walking without me,

"You know he asked me something weird on the weekend" Izuku said and started blushing for some reason, "He kept on asking me things about you, like what was your favorite place and somewhere you wanted to visit and stuff like that"

I mentally awe'd, Katsuki was really trying.

"Really? Did he tell you what for?" I tried to act clueless
He shook his head no, "He just told me to mind my business, did he talk to you over the weekend?"
"Well, we actually hung out..." I trailed off
Izuku raised his eyebrow in amazement "Really? Where did you guys go?"
I gave him a nervous smile, "The aquarium"
His eyes widened "T—The one you've always wanted to go to?"
I nodded
"He's really warming up to you, (Y/N)" Izuku chuckled
"You have no idea" I muttered under my breath so he wouldn't hear me

We walked into class and got seated. Aizawa sensei walked in almost immediately, waiting for the few us to stop talking. Once everyone quieted down, he explained that well be going to a training facility, Unforeseen Simulation Joint, otherwise known as USJ! Everyone jumped in excitement, even more so when Aizawa sensei told us to go get in our uniforms and meet at the front entrance where we'll be transported by a bus.
As soon as we all meet up, Iida was guiding everyone and telling us to sit by our attendance roster. Although we did as he said, I tapped Jirou on her shoulder.

"Hm? What's up?" She asked me, she was one of the chill and coolest in our class. I loved that,
"You wanna switch seats? I sit next to Yaoyorozu, you don't have to deal with Katsuki's annoying ass" I told her as she trying to press a chuckle
"Oi! I heard that, witch!!"
Jirou smiled at me "Sure, you two seem really close... If you catch my drift"

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