55. Looking for his hand while sleeping

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hello :)
i kind of don't have anything to say this time sksks
i do a lot of jumping around w the pov's so be on a look out for that!
request by @say_nic


"What a day"
"Im gonna sleep for a 100 years no one bother me"
"My limbs are about to fall off"

Everyone was complaining as we just came back from training more with our quirk. This time we were paired up against each other and whoever was the loser had to go up against somebody until they won at least one round.

Needless to say Katsuki had no mercy on anyone, not even me! Though I did finally beat him the second time we were up and he demanded a rematch even though we didn't have to go. It eventually ended with Aizawa sensei erasing our quirks so we were forced to stop. Though, Katsuki and I still had a rematch for another time.

After a nice shower, I was lying down on Katsuki's bed just scrolling through my phone. I was waiting for him to come back since he also took a shower but for some reason he's taking longer than I did.


I looked up from my phone. Did I mention Katsuki didn't know I would be waiting for him in his bed?

"Welcome! About time, come, lay down" I say as I pat the space next to me
"You know if it were anybody else I would've kicked them out by now" Katsuki says while he throws his towel to the side and actually lays down with me

At this point we're both facing each other.

"Lucky for me, Im not just anybody" I reminded him as he gave me one of his rare genuine smile "Besides... I can kick your ass now"

He dropped his smile in a second making me laugh.

"That was out of luck!"
"Rematch when?" I asked tauntingly


As both of them just talked about nonsense Katsuki noticed she was fighting the sleep.

"Just go to sleep witch, i'll be here" Katsuki reassured her

She just nodded and finally let the sleep win. Katsuki got closer and kissed her forehead while also pulling her closer to him. Katsuki knew she was out of it but it still surprised him when she snaked her hand up his body and down his arm to find his hand. His heart clenched when she intertwined her hand with his.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did you have to be this cute.

He thought while blushing. He looked down at their intertwined hands and started to get even redder, if that was even possible. He was a little mad that she got him to blush like that and she was asleep!

They've held hands before, even in public, but Katsuki thought this was more intimate than other times. He almost didn't know how to react so he didn't and just let his girlfriend sleep.

days later~~~

"Is it really camping if we just set up a few tents outside of the dorms?" I loudly asked anyone

Kaminari and some other guys asked Aizawa if we can could go camping again like the last time. Of course our teacher couldn't just make that happen, so principal Nezu gave the okay to 'camp' outside of our dorm building meanwhile they can plan and prepare for another trip.

"Yes! As long as we're outside, it's considered camping!" Kaminari answered giving me a thumbs up
"And we're allowed to stay inside am I correct?" Jirou asked not quite fond of sleeping outside
"Well yeah but it's more fun outside!" Kirishima told her

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